Chapter Three

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Phosphorus stared entirely too long at the closed gateway before his mind began working again.




Had he been entranced? Bewitched? Had he just been hallucinating? Had he eaten a weird cave mushroom?

Aargh, this doesn't matter. Where am I right now?

He turned around and took a step forward and...

His talons did not meet the floor. He fell down onto his chest, front talons hanging limply over an edge.

A surge of panic rushed through him as his wings flapped erratically and he kicked his hind legs, trying to get into a more stable position. When he did, he pulled himself back up, and took an actual look around.

He was on a... floating island?

That can't be right.

Yet it was. In fact, there were tons of them all around him. They didn't seem to be lifted by anything at all, other than a faint purple glow.

Magic? Animus magic? Isn't that gone?

No matter what it was, it was certainly a spectacle.

Additionally, it seemed to be around sunset now, despite how it was night moments earlier.

Phosphorus heard a small groan come from behind him. He whipped around to find... Senita.

An unconscious Senita.

He quickly rushed to her side, inspecting her for any signs of damage, lifting talons, and...

She didn't move. Didn't even flinch. She had a smile on her face, and was staring dreamily into the distance, despite her obvious lack of consciousness.

" is that... what is... brother..?"

She rambled for a bit before fully dozing off. Phosphorus decided to leave her there for now.

He looked off the small island they found themselves on, trying to see where they were. To see if there was even a ground. And there was.

However, this ground was... very far down. They were at a point probably higher than Jade Mountain, and from here, he could see the entire continent.

Suffice to say... he was not in Pyrrhia anymore.

Looking directly down was a bright blue ocean, with even more floating islands below theirs, and even more above. In the distance, Phosphorus could make out a mountain somehow taller than the entirety of the islands he was on, a forest, a tundra, a desert, and a jungle. The continent had no special or unique shape or anything, instead it was just... one giant hunk of land mass. A deformed circle.

He tried to inspect it further when... something flashed before him. Movement. He tracked what had moved to find... a... SeaWing?

It couldn't possibly be a SeaWing. It looked very similar, but it just... was off. For one, it had bright green accents. They looked similar to a SeaWing's glowy spots, but they were solid colors, not glowing. Second, it was releasing... bubbles. From its wings. While it flew.

Yup, I'm hallucinating.

There were tons of them flying around everywhere. He could barely see any of them through all the bubbles of varying colors.

He took one last look at Senita, who was NOT covered with bubbles, and then proceeded forward, down the island. Maybe someone here could explain to him what in Pyrrhia- well, NOT in Pyrrhia- was going on.

Wings of Fire: Kindling Embers (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now