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Thomas' worried look quickly turned to concern and fear. 

“We need to get these people safe.” Spencer patted his chest fast, getting worried, “Come on, we need to go!” 

“How do you know?” Thomas asked, stopping her hand from hitting him. 

“I don't know, I just do.” She ran into the camp heading for the kids first, “You need to go to your families and get yourselves to safety, okay? Now!” 

The kids nodded, running off and she turned back around to Thomas, “Get the others quick.” 

He nodded, running off but quickly turned back and pulled her into a kiss, “Don't die.” He warned. 

“Same goes for you.” 

They both ran off in different directions, Spencer ran into Vince who was confused as to why everyone was panicking. 

“Spencer? What's going on?” Vince asked. 

“Wicked. Vince, you need to get these people to safety quickly.” She ordered. 

Before he could respond she ran off to go warn more people and help anyone that needed help. Vince turned around seeing three helicopters flying straight towards the camp. 

Spencer looked up seeing the helicopters and ran towards where the kids had run too. Once the helicopters were over the camp they started setting off missiles onto the camp blowing up tents and people. 

Trucks and tents shot up in flames as the helicopters hovered over the camp and Wicked guards propel down from them. Screams were heard from all around the camp. 

Spencer spotted the kids from earlier and they spotted her pulling their families towards her knowing she could protect them. Before they could reach her a missile started to drop down towards them. 

“No!” She screamed but it was too late as the missile dropped onto them blowing them up. Spencer was thrown back from the impact and harshly landed on the floor. 

There was a loud ringing in her ears as everything around her became muffled, she groaned propping herself up on her elbows. As the ringing dulled down she heard a loud crying near her, she turned her head towards it and saw one of the boys from earlier. 

Spencer stood up ignoring every bit of pain in her body as she moved over to him, the ringing slowly getting lower and the sounds of everything else getting louder. She stumbled over to him falling next to him. 

Tears were running down his face, he had a cut on his forehead and his hand was burnt like her arms. 

“Hey, hey Zach.” She tried to calm him down, “I need you to calm down for me, can you do that?” 

Zach sniffled and wiped his eyes, nodding. 

“Okay, now I need you to be brave and stay with me. I'll keep you safe, I promise.” Spencer told him softly as she stood up trying to keep quiet from the pain she was in to not scare him. “Can you walk?” 

Zach tried to stand up but fell back down, the impact must have affected him differently since he was a lot younger than her. 

“It's okay, it's okay.” She picked him up gently and he wrapped his arms around her neck and his legs around her waist. 

Spencer quickly began to move, dodging any Wicked guards she could see and ran the other way. 

“Spencer! Over here!” Newt shouted to her. 

They all had guns and Vince was on a truck with Harriet that had a gun. They were shooting at any Wicked guards they could see. She started to run over to them holding onto Zach tightly. 

“Look out!” Minho yelled, pointing to Wicked guards aiming their guns at them. 

Spencer looked around but there was nowhere for her to take cover and the guards got ready to pull the triggers. 

“Shit.” She crouched down, turning away from them so Zach was covered and held him tightly. 

Shots rang out as the guards fired at them, shouts were heard from Vince, Harriet and the boys but nothing was able to stop the bullets hitting into her back. 

They shot the guards down before Minho and Newt ran over to them, seeing the blood running down Spencer's back. 

Surprisingly Spencer stood up still holding onto Zach, the two looked at each other completely shocked and confused. She turned around looking at them, her face was also shocked. 

It hurt like hell but surely she should be dead, she should not be able to stand up right now. Before anyone of them said anything they ran over to Vince, Harriet and Fry. 

“Not that i'm not happy you're alive but shouldn't you be dead?!” Vince shouted back to her. 

“I have no fucking idea on how im not!” Spencer shouted back to him as she put Zach in the back of the truck. 

“Find out later?” Minho shouted to her. 

“Find out later.” She confirmed. 

More Wicked guards surrounded them and all of them were holding different guns this time. 

“Uh.. Vince there's too many!” Newt yelled. 

“Just shoot!” Vince ordered. 

They all began shooting at the guards and Spencer grabbed a gun off Harriet and began shooting as well. The Wicked guards also started shooting at them and slowly one by one they got taken down getting electrocuted. 

“Zach! Hide!” Spencer shouted before getting electrocuted and falling to the ground like the others. 

As the Wicked guards started grabbing them one of them noticed Zach hiding and pulled him out holding onto him even though he was thrashing around trying to get away. 

“No!” Spencer groaned trying to move but more guards shot at her, electrifying her even more.

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