Writer's Note

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I've been thinking of the events for this story for around 4-5 years. I've already written a story like this in Google Docs, but I felt it was bad and decided to start all over. Before starting the notes, I will say that you do not have to read this. You can skip these notes and go right to the story.

As of right now, August 13, 2024, I am 17 and it's the first day of my Senior year of high school. I originally wrote this story in my Junior year and I even finished it. If you want to read the original and, most likely, the worse version, I'll link that at the end of these notes. The reason I think it's the worst version is because of how I made the events play out. I just threw things in that I thought sounded cool and/or good. It ended up with random things being thrown in out of nowhere, a lot of repetitiveness, plot points disappearing mid-story, and a major plot point not being revealed until the book's last few chapters. I aim to fix these mistakes in this version of the story, as well as build up some of the characters much more and much better than the old book. I believe I can do this because now I know how the story should go, which means I can plan events better than before.

Next, I want to talk about the story itself and how it came to be. It started back in 2020. The pandemic hit and everyone was bored during the two-week quarantine. I use an online messaging app called Discord. It's an app where you can invite friends to different servers that can be about multiple other things. One of my school friends invited me to a little fantasy-esque roleplay server on Discord. I created a fake character for that server and I had some fun. Since then, I've been thinking about the backstory of that character as I wanted to turn it into a story. In early 2024, I finally finished the planning and started to write the aforementioned bad version of this story. I finished it, didn't think it was good, and now we're here.

This story is heavily influenced by the Dark Souls, The Legend of Zelda, and RuneScape game series. You can and will find references to said games.

If you're confused about a character's design, check the compendium below.

Finally, I want to say that I am just a high schooler, not a perfect writer. There will be points in this story where something might sound wrong or confusing. I'm trying my best to write this.



Worse version of the story: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i08oz9yAcAz22z-enmj5Ty7teicI8WejOv6IvVIoheE/edit?usp=sharing

Compendium of Designs (STILL A WIP):  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rQ3bJZxzWRtCgVyfL5IFoDCEs7JEbdNZrb4VwVbxN7U/edit?usp=sharing

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