Chapter 3

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"S—Sorry about that!" Flare apologized. "I wasn't looking."

"No problem," said the man he ran into. "Need help standing?" He held out a hand. Flare looked up at the person. It was a tall man with long, silver hair, a shining suit of armor, and a large pair of wings on his back. His bright red eyes contrasted with his smile. Flare felt scared of the man, but still grabbed his hand.

The Angel lifted Flare off the ground with ease. Flare studied the man more. He didn't see anything wrong with him. Locust, on the other hand, knew everything about him. He did a high whistle followed by a low one. A large mass of guards suddenly entered through the large set of doors. They surrounded the Angel and kept their weapons pointed at him. Flare was confused about what was going on.

"I'm not here to kill anyone," The Angel stated. "I would like to speak with Locust." He pushed Flare toward the guards. "You can get him out of here."

One of the guards took Flare and left the throne room with him. The two rushed down and out of the tower. "Go home," The guard ordered. "We'll deal with this."

"Who is—" Flare couldn't finish his sentence before the guard ran back into the tower. Flare stood still for a moment before running off. He ran through the inner and middle sections of the town as fast as he could, reaching his house at a record pace. He quickly went inside and stepped away from the front door, taking a second to catch his breath.

"Who was that?" Flare thought to himself. "He seemed like a nice person. Why was he considered a threat?" He hung his coat on the rack before looking down at his hands. He was still holding the disc that Locust gave him. He looked at his reflection in the metal.

"You run fast," someone behind him said. Flare jumped in shock, falling back and dropping the disc. The Angel he had seen before was in his house. Flare didn't hear any doors open and wondered how he got in.

The Angel chuckled. "Sorry for scaring you, kid," He said. "I should have at least knocked on the front door." His soothing voice put Flare at ease, but he was still frightened.

"How did you get in here?" Flare asked.

"Teleportation," The Angel replied. "It's a top-level magic spell." He helped Flare stand up and pick the disc up off the floor. "We haven't been properly introduced. What is your name?"

"I... I'm Flare."

"That's a nice name." The Angel walked up to the bookshelf in the living room. "I'm certain you've heard of the Fallen Angels. Civilizations of the Early Eras, page 168." He looked at Flare with a smile. "You have read this book, right?"

"No," Flare responded. "Is it on the shelf?"

"Yes, it is," The Angel took a book off the shelf and threw it to Flare. Flare caught the book and looked at the title. The Angel was right—He had the book. Flare turned to the page that was brought up. It talked about the Fallen Angels, a trio of Angels that were corrupted by the power of an ancient god.

The trio was led by a knight called Nameless, a man titled the Fallen Angel of Destruction. He wore armor darker than the night sky and wielded a unique blade called Eclipse. It was a greatsword comprised of two smaller blades that resembled the sun and the moon respectively. Two purple dashes were drawn in the center of his head.

The next member was Carnage, the Fallen Angel of Death. The illustrations in the book were very simple but managed to depict Carnage as female. She wore grey armor and had long red hair. Her gauntlets were fitted with claws that allowed her to tear victims to pieces. She had two green dots drawn on her head.

The final member was Vex, the Fallen Angel of Desolation. He wore bright white armor and had silver hair. He held a rapier in his right hand and a dagger in his left. It's said that he's the most proficient in all types of magic, and is most useful for sneaking into enemy territory and destroying it. He had two red dots drawn on his head.

Vengeance by HolyFlare484Where stories live. Discover now