Chapter 8

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"No!" Lyra yelled. She ran forward and went to jump out of the window to catch Flare. Carnage caught her by her wing before she went any further. Lyra grabbed her and managed to pull Carnage out of the window with her. The two fell towards Flare, but Carnage kept them out of reach. The strength of her wings overpowered Lyra.

The guards that entered the room jumped out of the window and dove towards Flare. One managed to finally catch Flare and save him. Carnage let go of Lyra and lunged forward, shoving her claws through the guard's chest and forcing them to let go. The group kept falling, slowly inching closer to the ground. The Angelic guards kept attempting to save Flare, and Carnage kept blocking them.

Lyra took a risk and saved Flare for only a few seconds. She instinctively let go and dashed out of the way, dodging a claw swipe from the Fallen Angel behind her. At the height he was at, Flare was finally safe. He knew he would survive the fall.

Oddly, Carnage and the Angels started going down out of his view. The last thing he noticed was Carnage's wide grin. He managed to flip himself over in the air and saw the ground fast approaching. He didn't get the time to think before his head hit the bricks below him. Flare lay still, alive but unconscious. The guard that tried to save him earlier hit the ground too. Carnage thought Flare was dead and decided to fly off. The remaining Angels reached the ground. Lyra picked Flare up and felt his heart. It was still beating.

"We need to get him some help," Lyra said. She turned to face one of her guards. "Wilson, take him up north to the mountainous parts of this continent. Dwarves are the masters at tending to broken bones." She handed Flare's limp body to the guard she spoke to. Wilson immediately flew off with Flare in his arms.

He flew north to a large range of mountains. The tallest one sat at the far edge and stretched past the clouds. Near the base of the mountains was the entrance to a tunnel. He landed and immediately ran through the tunnels, arriving at a huge city that stood in the hollowed-out mountains. He looked around, trying to find something or someone that could help Flare. His sudden entrance with Flare in his arms attracted the attention of a few Dwarves who lived in the city. One of them walked up to Wilson with an odd look on her face.

"Is the kid sick?" She asked. "We're out of anti—"

"Worse!" Wilson said. "He fell from the Voice of God down south. We tried to catch him, but he landed on his head. I think he's alive, at least."

The Dwarf's expression immediately changed to one filled with worry. "Oh my god," She said. She took a quick look around. "There's a hospital deeper in. I'll take you to it!" She grabbed Wilson and took him deeper into the city. She kept yelling things to get people out of their way. "Make way! He needs immediate help! Severe head injury!" The cityfolk were quick to move out of the way after hearing the woman's yells.

They arrived at the hospital that the Dwarf mentioned. "Let me take him in," The Dwarf requested. "I know a person that works here." Wilson handed Flare to the woman. The two ran into the hospital and looked around. The Dwarf ran up to a desk that sat in the middle of the room. A Human sat at the desk and didn't look up when the two got closer.

"What are you here for?" He asked.

"The kid suffered a horrible head injury," The Dwarf replied. "He needs help!"

"It will heal in a few days," The man said. "He just needs rest."

"He fell from the Voice of God!"

The Human looked up at her in shock and noticed Wilson standing behind. He recognized him as a member of the Angelic Royal Guard. He immediately guessed that the Elf they had come with was important in some way. "I'll be right back." He stood up and ran down a hallway to his left. Minutes later, he came back with a doctor. The doctor was a fairly tall Dwarf with a large beard. He asked to see the Elf. The female Dwarf handed Flare to the doctor, who proceeded to run back down the hall. He ran into a room and put Flare down on a bed.

Vengeance by HolyFlare484Where stories live. Discover now