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"Hi mom" Jenna said as she accepted the Facetime call "Wow look who answered'' her mom said with a smile, she hadn't seen her daughter since she left, Jenna wasn't ignoring her mom, she just felt that if she answered she would get homesick so she tried to avoid it at all cost which in a way was wrong
"I'm sorry mom i was planning on calling you one of these days " She said feeling a little bit of guilt, it wasn't her moms fault that she felt that way
"It's okay i understand baby, i just wanted to check up on you i miss you" Natalie said, she did miss her child a lot, she hasn't gotten used to her life style, she acts like acting isn't a big deal but deep down inside she knows "How's saving lives mom?" Jenna asked softly, she didn't want this, this is what she wanted to avoid, and so her mom started talking about her Job, at some point in the conversation Y/n had popped up

"How's your p.a? Is she still alive? "

Jenna looked at Y/n who was facetiming her mom as well, seeing Jenna with her mom reminded her of her mom , she did roll her eyes before answering
" Yeah mom she's alive, it took a while but...I warmed up to her, who picked her? " Out of curiosity , she did want to know, they did a pretty good damn job at picking Y/n, now she is happy that they chose her girlfriend
"I did of course, i looked through a lot of files to find you the perfect p.a, when i met her i really liked her so i thought you would too "

Oh mom you have no idea how much i like her too

"Wait so me having a p.a was your idea? Why? "

"Well Jenna, as your mother i worry about you, i'll never forget that time i surprised visit you and your whole room was a mess, dirty dishes, to go boxes of sushi, i had to do something this time and i feared for this girl since your so independent "

Jenna nodded hearing her moms answer as she shrunk a bit in her seat biting her lip, she hated that she was right and that happened. She decided to tell the truth and now the one your thinking about

" Okay okay...i get it and maybe at first i guess i was a bit rude but i warmed up to her, she's been winning me " Jenna confessed, her mom had a smile on her face, glad that she choose the right person for her daughter, in so many ways "I was scared for her honestly like you can be scary sometimes " she joked laughing a bit, seeing the smile on her moms face was everything, Natalie could hear Y/n speaking Spanish, she couldn't fully hear but she could make out some words

"Si madre, yo creo que te va caer bien, es muy profesional y se va ver hermosa en lo que hiciste " (Yes mom, i think you'll like her, she's very professional and she'll look beautiful in what you made )

Who? Chisme (gossip) is life
"Mom why didn't you ever teach us Spanish i feel so jealous if Y/n" her mom snapped back quickly not over hearing Y/n's conversation anymore
" I think i'm what you kids call a no sabo kid " Truth is she just didn't think about teaching them spanish

They ended the call after a few more minutes , the sensation was there, she missed home, a few tears left her eyes, this is something she'd never get used to, Y/n had ended the call with her mom long ago, she looked at Jenna with a sad smile, she quickly got up and embraced her in a tight hug

"It's okay love you'll see them soon yeah? just two more months, they'll go by past flying". Y/n comforted her as she rubbed her back, it hit Jenna again that in two more months she wouldn't be this close to Y/n, she'd go work with someone else, probably Billie Eilish and would leave her, they haven't talked about what's going to happen when they get back, it hurt more again, feelings mixed of being homesick and being away from her girlfriend "When we go back will you still work with me?"
She asked as she tried not to sob , Y/n did give it some thought , If Jenna was going home for a while it made no sense in her having a p.a, giving Y/n vacations as well or just simply not having a job, she really didn't need the money actually, she just enjoyed working
" Yes i will, i'll still be your p.a but we have to talk with your manager so he can renew my contract and re-sign a NDA" She'd have to turn down some clients, she remembered when she got the call from Jenna's agent, pleading to put her first , that even her mom would interview her, Y/n hesitated at first but...if her mom was involved Y/n thought it was something urgent that this person needed her services right away

"Hi, I'm Natalie Ortega very nice to meet you" And i'm Ed" Jenna's parents greeted Y/n as they sat down at where Jenna's management was, her manager Gordon had arranged the interview as soon as possible, as soon as Y/n said 'Alright'

"Y/n Herrera, very nice to meet you" She said with a warm smile "How are you two ?" She asked, Natalie and Ed, stared at the girl as they answered, thinking that she looked so so young and was already such in demand as a P.A

"I'm good and i'm glad both of you are good as well! So... your parents are correct?" Y/n asked frowning as looked at them noticing that the person who she would probably be working with wasn't present

"Yes, Jenna is our daughter, i actually have to go since duty calls but i wanted to meet you quickly as well" Ed said smiling as he gave her his hand shaking it

"So...Mr. Gordon sounded very.. desperate? For me to meet up with you and-"

"Take my daughter as a client" Natalie nodded as she put a strand of her behind her ear, intertwining her hands in a more business way "You see, my daughter has this whole idea of 'I'm independent, i can do everything by myself i'm old enough' mentality right now and she's been up and down not taking a break and i just really need your help that's why i insisted on meeting you"

Y/n was too speechless as she stared at her with wide eyes nodding slowly

"But..why me? There's more P.A's "

"I liked your profile, the qualities you have, and the people you've worked with are very important and I don't know much about this but I know they're very selective on who they work with, and since you're close in age to her...she needs to be with people more of her age i worry she's around such older people"

Y/n got home that night thinking about the meeting she had with Mrs. Ortega...she felt so wrong in saying no, something was telling her to take it, to say yes
She stared at her phone as she texted the girls agent

Hello, i've given it some thought, l'll be her p.a, please send me the details . 

All they over in the U.S. Jenna's mom couldn't help but ask herself what was Y/n talking about? Who was she talking about that was so important for her mom to meet? She had a weird feeling and she didn't know why, but what Y/n said made her feel a bit uneasy for some reason. Have you ever heard about a mother's sixth sense? well it was that

Y/n's mom on the other hand was happy that her daughter had met someone, she was looking forward on meeting her, she didn't want to meet her daughters first girlfriend through facetime thought, they were soon to arrange a meeting to see the whole Met Gala thing

"Now how about we watch a movie?" The older girl suggested, Jenna's smile quickly went wide, nodding " Can we watch a brighter summer day?" she asked, Y/n jokingly shook her head no
"Noooooooooo we're watching Scary Movie 2" she said seriously, Jenna didn't argue but she did give puppy eyes "AW i'm kidding love of course we can watch that one yeah? Get all comfy and ready" and so Jenna did, she quickly took of her shorts which left her in a long shirt and only her underwear, Y/n on the other hand was left in boy shirts and a tank top, they turned off all the lights and went to Jenna's room as they snuggled in her bed and turned on the t.v.

How love works, they were al ready so attached to each other, knowing that her mom had pick Y/n gave her hope that coming out to her would go well, she looked at Y/n who had her head on her chest as she watched the movie, she made her so happy, she didn't know she needed Y/n in her life, hell i need me a Y/n in my life.

She felt so in love. 

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