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Joy looked so sad today, a lot of people noticed this but didn't have the courage to ask, only one "What's wrong Joy?" Percy asked as he sat down next to her, Joy didn't even bother to look at him, should she tell him? she didn't think it was a good idea, and Percy saw she was hesitant "I think i may have information that would answer a lot of questions for you " Now that caught her attention "What information?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, Percy gave her a huge smile as he got closer to her ear whispering "I know why Y/n wont look at you" he paused, Joy's heart felt that tight feeling, she was very curious, she stood quiet waiting for him to continue

"She's dating Jenna" he said pulling away from her seeing her face

Joy shook her head 'No' "No, she is dating but someone else, not Jenna"

Percy frowned hearing this "What? Who ? how do you know?"
"We went to go get some coffee the other day, and her girlfriend called her and that girl wasn't Jenna"

Percy shook his hearing all of this, it didn't make sense, he saw and heard something so differently

"Well i guess...we have a cheater on our hands Joy" Percy added more fuel to the flame, he was so set on getting them back, he was playing an outcast and he really almost became one "But how do i know i can trust you?" Percy smiled slightly "I wouldn't lie to you about this Joy" Manipulation, manipulating someone who is going through a strong emotion is very easy "Now how about we team up?" Joy nodded as she let a small tear fall.

Y/n stared at Jenna with adoration, she looked so wow when she was in Wednesday's make up and character, but the way she could switch from her to being Wednesday, she did slip up sometimes, but most of the times she got her scenes in one shot, right now she was filming her side of Wednesday when she speaks to Goody, she was born to act, she felt so happy seeing her do her job, she was happy see could be here with her girlfriend, she remembered how the other night they were practicing her script, how she made Y/n act, she thought she made her but Y/n knew if her talent needed help with rehearsing she'd had to do it as well, the moments where Jenna couldn't be serious as she saw Y/n struggling a bit to act, it was the cutest thing she'd ever seen, it made Jenna's heart almost explode seeing her try to act

"Thing, take care of it" Jenna acted out as Y/n was on the floor worming around as she tried to act out the hands movements, Jenna laughed at her method, crawling on the floor and tapping she looked hilarious

"Okay one more scene to go" Jenna said frowning as she flipped the pages scanning it quickly, Y/n nodded as she looked at what she was looking at, it was the

Y/n stood up straight as she reenacted Weems

"Wednesday, don't worry about your cello, i'll have it brought to the town square this afternoon " Y/n said in the most sharp voice she could making Jenna burst out laughing "Hey! I'm trying my best" Y/n said pouting, Jenna smiled nodding "I know i know " She said softly with a smile still on her face, Y/n frowned biting her lip looking up at Jenna "There's a scene we haven't acted out " She said frowning, Jenna tilted her head, thinking that they had already acted out all of them for today "Which one?" Y/n smiled as she blushed

"I haven't kissed Wednesday yet" She said shyly, She could see Jenna's eyes sparkle making her blush even more

Jenna went in to character quickly as she took a step closer , giving her the stare we all know

"Oh how foolish of me, how could I forget ?" She said cupping Y/n's cheek as they both shut their, their lips colliding, Y/n's arms snaking around her waist as she pulled her as close as she could, while Jenna cupped her face fully with both hands deepening the kiss.

Joy was looking, she was watching Y/n, what Percy said

Was true, in graved in her brain 

She could see it in Y/n's eyes, and it hurt, Y/n a cheater?? What an ass, Percy was right, fucking ass cheater. She did want to get back at her somehow but god it hurt, she felt jealous, mad, sad, pure negativity , once the scene ended she saw how the first person Jenna made eye contact was with Y/n, that should be her, she stormed away from there looking for Percy to start their plan.

That only confirmed that Y/n was cheating on her girlfriend with Jenna. 

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