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Jenna stood there, sitting against the door wondering what was wrong, why was she acting like that?
Was she too in character? What was going on? Why was she so mad? She herself didn't understand... as she wiped her tears standing up just throwing herself on the bed shutting her eyes, thinking about why

Meanwhile Y/n sat on her couch bed, staring at the door of Jenna's room, frowning as well, she was worried, was she okay? Did she make a mistake? She didn't know what to do...she tried one more time, standing up walking to the door once more knocking

"Jenna...?" She said softly, resting her forehead on the door "I don't understand what's going on and I don't have to understand what is going on, it's fine alright? I'm here, i'll be right here outside waiting for you" She waited but she was only met with silence

She looked down as she slid down the wall right next to the door, She didn't know how to approach the situation, she could only wait for Jenna to come around

She didn't know how long it was, but she ended up falling asleep, right outside Jenna's room .

Because when one is in love, you wait anywhere 

Jenna on the other hand was just laying there, thinking about what was wrong, she had put her headphones on, listening to music, hoping that would help her think

She stood up checking the time

3:45 a.m

She really needed to get some sleep but she had to use the bathroom, was Y/n awake? She looked down a bit, like those moments when you just stare at something and it feels like you've been staring for so long but it's actually been a minute, that's what Jenna felt, she shook her head finally standing up

Her heartbroke once she opened the door , a gasp leaving her mouth seeing Y/n sleeping right there on the floor

"Babe" She said, she felt like crying, she quickly crouched down next to her "Y/n..." She said softly as she caressed her cheek, the contact making Y/n wake up "Hi" Jenna frowned as she smiled softly at her "C'mon let's get you to bed yeah?" Y/n nodded as she stretched with a yawn, she stood up heading to her bed "Where are you going? " Jenna asked, stopping her " To..bed?"

"Our room is this way"


Y/n wanted to smile but she didn't know how to react, she loved the sound of that and that Jenna saw her room as theirs, now making her more calm knowing that she didn't do anything wrong since she could see a bit on how Jenna viewed  that
"But..i didn't know if you'd want...if you'd want to sleep with me? "

Jenna looked down, feeling guilty and bad. "No..i want to sleep with you" She grabbed Y/n's hand pulling her back in the room "Now get comfy, i have to go to the bathroom yeah?" Y/n nodded as she saw Jenna leave the room, she was tired, she was still in her day clothes, Jenna wanted to sleep with her even though she hadn't showered? Did she smell? It was to late shower, she just took of her pants sliding in the bed

"I'm sorry" Jenna said as she entered the room, making Y/n wake up once more as she was falling asleep "Do you..want to talk about it? " Y/n said softly, Jenna nodded as she got in bed quickly cuddling up to Y/n who gladly wrapped her arms around her embracing her

 "I had a breakdown...and.. I guess i didn't know and i'm sorry, it's just...playing someone else messes you up sometimes i'm sorry" Jenna finally let out her cry, she had been feeling so much lately "And it's no excuse for the way that i've been acting that way..." Y/n could only hug her tight and caress her back, as she listened to her, she imagined how hard it was, and even feared she could lose her own personality

"It's okay..i'm right here...yeah? Everything is okay, I understand it's hard, and i'm right here, don't lock yourself up there okay? I love you so much" Y/n kissed her head as Jenna nodded hiding her head in the crook of her neck

And sometimes Jenna feared that as well, that she'd lose her personality, she always tried to keep her self unattached from her characters at some point but it was hard

"Thank you..for being here and for being so understanding ..."

"Your not alone anymore Jenna, if you want, as long as you let me be, i'll be right here next to you no matter what, if it's a good day, if it's a bad day, no matter the day, i'll be with you, as long as you want me here "

And this made Jenna's heart flutter and feel like shit at the same time, she hated having breakdowns but it was a part of being human i guess, it just happens

"I love you" Jenna wrapped her legs around Y/n as they both fell in to a comfortable silence finally falling asleep . 


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