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i loved this chapter so so so much, i'm leaving it exactly the same, just added one thing. bathroom problems, skip if not comfortable

"You stress to much Jen, relax" Y/n said as she rubbed her shoulders, the younger girl melted right away in to her touch, the way Y/n made her relax right away was amazing, they've been sleeping together since they became girlfriends, well a week later, Jenna for some reason would sneak into Y/n's bed, she found out she could sleep right away, she loved it, no more staying up, no more sleepless night all though she did miss working on her essay's, she realized she was missing her half all along, for years her insomnia had been a problem, her mom tried everything, but Jenna didn't want to depend on pills, who knew she just needed a Y/n a very comfy, cute and lovable Y/n to go to sleep

" I haven't taken a shit in like 2 days" Jenna confessed in a groan, she covered her face expecting Y/n to laugh but she didn't she looked worried "Why didn't you tell me? your mom put in your file a juice to make you shit"

She said giggling, now that made it embarrassing , really?? she had to expose her like that? "Geez thanks mom" she whispered looking down covering her face "Don't worry i'm on it you'll be able to shit in no time!" and with that she saw Y/n leave the set rapidly, Jesus christ that was...something else
"Hey!" Emma said happily as she sat down next to her, before she could reply Emma made a face "ugh you don't look so good everything okay?" a huge groan left her mouth

"Yeah just a bit stressed today" they were getting ready to film the poe cup race "Do you know how we're supposed to go to the bathroom in these?? " Emma shook her head with a frown "Ummm no i think we can't" she said inspecting her outfit "EMMA JENNA IN POSITION IN TEN MINUTES" They both nodded as they quickly got their makeup retouched "Where's Y/n?" Emma asked as she looked around "I'm right here" she said a bit out of breath as she handed Jenna a juice "Hope this helps" she said with a wink making Jenna roll her eyes, Emma looked at the juice "What is that?"

"JTMJS" Y/n said a's she shrugged her shoulders as she slowly made her way behind Jenna who quickly chugged it as she gave Y/n her jacket, Emma frowned hearing that "JTMJS?" Emma asked above a whisper with a frown

Can you figure it out?

Y/n getting close to her ear whispering for her only "Good luck love, you'll do amazing" the younger girls heart melted biting her lip trying to avoid a huge smile to spread across her face as she nodded "and try not to shit yourself" y/n whispered as she ran away from her before she could hit her or something "I'll get you back Y/n just you wait!" she yelled going in to position.

There she was in a canoe rowing, she was focused but her stomach said otherwise, a stomach pain was starting, i think you know which stomach pain i'm talking about

Fuck please no no no no no no not know and not in this stupid outfit

What could she do? She was in the middle of the water and filming , she was already thinking about going in the water but she wouldn't be able to pull down the damn suit she kept rowing still in character, she was going to have to wing this hopefully she wouldn't shit herself.

At the end when they win the poe cup, the moment tim yelled cut she ran to the wardrobe person, Y/n quickly following behind her, once she got there all hectic the lady looked at her as if she was crazy
"I need you to take this off of me please i really need to use the bathroom" her eyes widen realizing she didn't make it bathroom accessible
"Oh my god i'm so sorry" "Just please hurry " Jenna said fighting with all her might, the wardrobe lady struggled so much, she couldn't just rip it, what if they had to redo something? she started to panic
"Oh god okay so how about I pull the zipper down and you go to the bathroom?" The zipper was on her back Jenna nodded quickly as they ran to the restroom doing what they planned Jenna quickly shut the door.

She was so happy, she made it and did her job at the same time, she looked around looking for toilet paper but there was none
"Fuck are you serious?" a small knock on the door "Occupied" she said annoyed "It's me...i uh got you baby wipes" Y/n said timidly, Jenna's eyes went wide open

I just took a massive nasty shit...and Y/n heard it..? oh my fucking god

"Did...did you hear anything?"she asked at the verge of tears, if it were someone else she wouldn't care honestly but this was her girlfriend, they haven't even heard each other fart yet!
"No don't worry i just got here" Jenna felt relieved to hear that, she slightly opened the door grabbing the wipes quickly closing it, truth is y/n did hear her a bit but she quickly gave her some privacy , but Jen didn't need to know that.

At the end of the day Jenna was exhausted. She just wanted to shower, eat dinner and watch a movie with Y/n, that became their little routine, she felt so at home, was Y/n her new home? she stared at the girl as cooked dinner with soft music in the back. She loved this so much, if this were to disappear she wouldn't know what to do. She felt so happy "Amor are you okay?" Y/n asked looking up from the chopping board "Yeah i'm just really happy and relaxed" Y/n smiled and laughed a bit, Jenna saw an evil smile forming on her face
"I'd be happy and relaxed after being able to finally shit" "YOU LITTLE SHIT SHUT UP!!" Jenna said as she ran to her, but Y/n being a bit faster ran from her screaming and laughing "IT WAS A JOKE!!!" "JOKE MY ASS Y/N" the couple laughed as they chased around the apartment. 

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