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 what ya'll been waiting for, blushing right now fr 

Horny, that was a feeling that Jenna couldn't let go for a couple days now, since they filmed the poe cup actually, the day was so nice and the water looked amazing, Y/n couldn't help herself, it was calling her she just jumped in, encouraging other people to tag along, but what started the fantasies was that Y/n was wearing a white shirt that day, the moment she got out of the water her eyes were glued to her, she tried not to look but she couldn't keep her eyes off of her, she felt turned on by the sight.

And jealous too, she could tell Y/n had eyes on her

"You should jump in!" Y/n said smiling, she didn't seem aware that her...body was showing, Jenna shook her head shyly as she cleared her throat

"I'll go get you a towel" Jenna said as she physically forced herself to pry her eyes off of her, and make sure to quickly get that towel, to many eyes on her girlfriend, she didn't like that, that view is supposed to be only for her

After that day the fantasies had started, she tried not to make it so obvious, how she would sneak back to her room at the middle of the night just to get off, no porn, no nothing, just the thought off Y/n's wet body, the see through white shirt.

They've been dating for almost a month and the talk about sex hasn't come up yet, at least that gave her a sense of security that Y/n wasn't with her just for that so that made her happy. After that day she would notice Y/n's body more, she wanted it, to mark it, she saw the way those other bitches looked at her as well, that was the only negative part about that, more people saw her and that made Jenna feel absolutely mad jealous and possessive. Were they thinking about her the same way she was? It pissed her off

"Mi amor i'm going to the store to get groceries do you want to go with me?" Y/n asked as she grabbed her debit card and her keys

I can't anymore  Jenna thought

"No, i'll wait here love, i think i'm going to shower right now" Y/n nodded as she pecked her lips with a smile and walked out saying goodbye

"Time to prepare" She said smiling, she looked at a bouquet of yellow roses that Y/n had given her on the day of the poe day, she cut all the petals off making a small trail to her room, so extra and cliche of her, she groaned as she saw she had a mess in her room, she quickly made her bed and put all her clothes in a dirt bin, what was she going to wear? this was special, she had no doubt that Y/n would cave in, who wouldn't ?

After she was done getting everything ready she even lit up some candles in her room and brought Y/n's space lamp to make it more romantic, she decided on wearing all black, black silky underwear , with one of Y/n's black loose t-shirt that was kinda big on her, now all she had to do was wait, she connected her phone to the bluetooth speaker they had, she even made a playlist.

She was nervous, what if it didn't go out as she planned? What if Y/n rejected her?

She stood up staring in front of the mirror, tilting her head as she stared at herself, she wasn't going to lie, she looked so good right now, she knew it, she could feel it, she felt confident

It was a little over thirty minutes already, Y/n opened the door surprised by seeing only a candle lighting the living room, she quickly put the things that needed to go in the freezer before slowly walking to Jenna's room with a raised eyebrow, she was not expecting this at all.

Jenna heard the door open, the nerves rising even more and more, she heard the fridge open, why was she taking so long? why hasn't she called for her yet?, she heard footsteps approaching her, she hit play on her playlist

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