Aaron POV p3

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Aaron: Sooo, I have something to tell you guys

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Aaron: Sooo, I have something to tell you guys. I was walking down my street the other day and I saw a dog that looked exactly like my ex's dog. It made me think of her.

Tim: 🙄...

Nyla: Not again.

Aaron: What do you mean??

Celina: Aaron can you ever shut up.

Wade: Has anyone seen Lucy?

Aaron: I found her. She's -

Wesley: What happened?

Angela: Lucy!

John: What did she do?

Angela: Lucy, you can't taser people that make you made.

Lucy: Awwwww, come on.

            I'm sick of hearing about his exes.

Wade: Lucy you know that's not allowed.

Lucy: Sorry sir.

Tim: But nice one, I wish I thought of that.

Lucy: 😊

Aaron: I'm okay guys, but what happened?

Wesley: Lucy.

Angela: Lucy

Tim: Lucy

Nyla: Lucy

Wade: Lucy

John: Lucy

Lucy: ME! 😁

Aaron: I'm confused.

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