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It's not an update but an important message.

As some of you know I moved out from home for study and currently I'm staying in hostel..

Actually it was my idea and for my dream...

But let me tell you my mental health is not okay today.... I feel alone suddenly. I clearly want my parents besides me now...

Thinking of them I'm crying right now and I'm regretting my decision... Maybe I have another best option and still I decided to end up with a bad one🥺

If I say anything further I surely will ended up crying......

And I literally embarrassed myself by crying infront of them...

I'm not in a mood to do anything. I'm saying that let me adjust with the current atmosphere.... I think may be I can but I'm not sure.... I'm mentally cursing myself....

I will update my story in weekend. plz understand my situation...... I'm not in a mood to say anything but still I want to inform you guyss as many of you are eagerly waiting for it....After I became comfortabale I will write my stories frequently promisee..... Just give me some time.....

And yah don't end up in my situation anyone..... Oh God I literally want someone to slap me for making this stupid decision...

Let me tell you one thing our home is literally a heaven🥰✨🥹Even when we have hundreds of problems within the family don't ever think that we will have a better place than home. Atleast there will be our pillows at home who will hold our tears......❤️We will only know the value of the things when we are away.. ❤️maybe I should have listened to my parents🤧

Plz wait for me I will not disappoint any of you I promise. I will not leave the story so don't worry🙌

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