𝕾𝖕𝖎𝖓 𝕮𝖞𝖈𝖑𝖊

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Spin Cycle

·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·

𝕊𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝔽𝕠𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣:
𝕊𝕖𝕒, 𝕊𝕨𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕄𝕖

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"It's okay it's just one. So, just take it slow, go around him. We'll be fine." Thomas assured Frypan before Fry turned back around. I could tell from the look on his face he wasn't reassured at all, but he didn't really have a choice.

"Take it slow." Frypan repeated to himself, "Take it slow." I could tell he was trying to comfort us as well as himself, but the fear in his voice only made things worse. He adjusted the way he was sitting and tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

Newt, who was sat behind me, reached forward through the gap in my seat and rolled my window up. I looked back at him, and smiled, he nodded his head. A simple gestured that showed he didn't want me dead, how sweet.

Frypan was about to start driving again when suddenly Thomas turned to the window and jumped, following his action. Me and Frypan, both scared shitless wondering what they were gasping at, turned around to see what it was.

I looked out Thomas' window "Please." A blonde lady with a dark overcasting on the veins under her eyes was grabbing the door handle. She was infected- but hadn't turned yet. "Please!" none of us moved.

She was breathing heavy and kept turning from side to side, looking out for something while she tried the door handle. "Help me!" She was staring at Thomas, pleading with him. She was growing more desperate now, more frightened. If she's infected, there's cranks nearby, we need to move.

"Please.." Her voice was barely audible now, she'd lost hope, letting her voice fade off into something no louder than a whisper.


Something hit the window next to Newt, sending Thomas and Newt back in fear once again. Somebody else- someone infected. Only this time they were fully turned, growling and hissing at the window as it tried to claw its way inside.

Its blackened eyes stared into Newts as the infection coursed through the veins bulging out of his skin. "Please! let me in!" The lady continued to beg Thomas, yanking the door handle so hard that the car began to sway slightly.

Thomas, who had managed to remain the most calm out of all of us, quickly became the thinker for the four of us. "Okay. Fry, we gotta go." Thomas affirmed, as more and more cranks surrounded the car, grabbing onto the sides and making the car sway more.

One crawled onto the hood of the car, growling in my face, a thick jet black slime oozing out of its mouth. I leaned back against my seat in both disgust and fear. Holy shit. Its gonna breakthrough the windshield.

"Just floor it fry!" Thomas yelled. "Hold on!" Frypan scowled back, matching Thomas' energy, before pressing his foot down hard on the gas. The car whizzing off comically, sending the crank in front of us flying over the roof.

It managed to catch onto the top of the car and crawled back onto the hood, growling at us as the car sped down the tunnel, driving shakily, side to side. Frypan was focusing on going fast rather than how smooth the drive was.

The crank punched the glass of the windshield, cracking it. A few minuscular shards flew in my face, I reacted fast, bringing my arm up to shield my eyes as I shrieked in terror. Frypan was screaming like a little girl and Newt kept swearing.

"Come on Fry shake him!" Thomas blurted, his tone aggressive. "I'm trying!" Frypan retorted back at him. Fry drove the car in a zigzag pattern, all of us being pushed against the side of the car and then having to hold on for dear life as we went the other way.

The car began to lean on two tires at a time, every time I had horrible visions of us ending upside down. The crank didn't shake, clinging to the windscreen wipers as thought the life it no longer had depended on it.

The car rocked some more, testing my limits. "Don't fucking capsize us!" I snapped, earning one or two short-lived bewildered glances, but it stopped them from yelling at each other, even if only for 2 seconds.

After the car turned one more time, the crank was threw off, but he clung to the drivers side of the car. He then began to pound his fist into Frypan's window, cracking it repeatedly. "Hang on!" Fry warned.

Before any of us had time to react, he made the car tilt at the perfect angle so that the crank was flung off as it hit a ladder that stuck out of a pile of debris.

A smile met the corners of my lips, adrenaline coursing through me. It was something I had became familiar with, a quick ecstasy of both fear and excitement. I had learned to love it, because there wasn't much left to love.

The happiness was short lived and my smile snapped back into a face of pure terror when Thomas cried, "Frypan, watch out!" He pointed at something shortly ahead of us, I didn't see what it was in time before CRASH.

Whatever it was, we hit it, the car doing the exact thing I fear it would. The car was filled with reactions of terror as the car rolled onto its side, thudding as it hit the harsh pavement.

Everything seemed to move in slow-motion as the car was flung into the air, spinning and spinning and spinning. It's funny really. Before this, my thoughts had been spinning, but now- there was nothing.

The thoughts had stopped spinning, the car had stopped spinning, my view had stopped spinning. Everything has stopped. A moment of stillness.

The blood rushed to my head as I was tipped upside down, my arms falling limp above my head. I was nearly unconscious, some weird state of limbo, half-here yet half-gone.

The last thing I heard before I was faded out of this world was the sound of glass shattering, and then the darkness consumed me. Swallowing me, whole.

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