chapter two

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"Hey, get them behind the counter!" A man yelled, walking around the corner to see a pile of people, trying to be kept together by heavily armed men. "Now you've put me into a position where I've gotta do something I don't wanna do. Hmm?" The man spoke into the walkie-talkie he was holding. "Hey, get back with the others." He demanded when he noticed a girl walking up to him.

"I heard a rumor." Young Allison started.

"What? What did you say?" The man asked her.

"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot." Allison whispered in his ear. Immediately the man's eyes turned white and, as if in trance, he turned around to his friend.

"Hey dude. What the hell?" His friend yelled, shouting in pain when he was shot in the foot.

Luther crashed into the hall from the ceiling while a young Beatrix walked up to two of the heavily armed men guarding three women, humming a tune to herself, causing the men to stop what they were doing, lowering their guns and watching her with a transfixed gaze.

"Bunch of creeps." Bea muttered as she swiftly knocked one of the men out by hitting the back of his gun against his head before kicking the other man in the kneecaps, forcing him down to his knees. They didn't react, staring at her with admiration in their gazes. "Diego, you wanna finish these pervs?" Bea yelled, smirking at the power she currently held over the men. "Let yourself be killed by Diego." Bea told the men, who nodded, still in a trance.

"Guns are for sissies, real men throw knives!" Diego yelled as he threw two knives, both of them firmly lodging themselves into the chest of the robbers.

"That wasn't nearly as heroic of a sentence as you thought it was." Bea told Diego, cringing slightly.

"Oh s-shut up Bea." Diego glared at her, before pulling her to the side and punching a robber who'd tried to attack her from behind.

"Hold your ears." Bea instructed, before putting all her focus on the man and letting out a high-pitched sound from the back of her throat. The glass in the windows broke as the man screamed, clutching at his ears. Blood began to pour out of them, before he let out a final yell as his head exploded.

Bea winced, looking at the gruesome sight. "I hate this." She told Diego with a sigh.

"I know. Come on." Diego pulled her over to the counter, before taunting the robber on it. "Be careful up there buddy."

"Yeah, wouldn't want you to get hurt." Allison joined in.

"Or what?" Five smirked, appearing on the counter. He blinked away when the robber started shooting in his direction, appearing in front to the man, who suddenly had a stapler in his hand. "Wow, that's one badass stapler." Number Five smirked before catching the man's fist and using it to punch him in the head, knocking him out.

"Do I really have to do this?" Ben asked, looking down nervously.

"Come on Ben, there's still guys in the vault." Luther told him impatiently.

Ben sighed. "I didn't sign up for this." He walked into the vault. A few seconds later, screams could be heard as blood splattered against the still broken windows.

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