ᡣ𐭩 chapter five

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August 5, 2023

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August 5, 2023

cassie's biggest fans
mon préféré 🏎️
my wife 🐻

pls tell me u guys saw that comment

my wife 🐻
oh we saw it
better question is who didn't

mon préféré 🏎️
Wait what comment?

my wife 🐻
sigh nvm

lando's comment under my post charlie

mon préféré 🏎️
Let me go check

my wife 🐻
he sooo wants u cassie

nah he was probably joking

mon préféré 🏎️
No Nailea's right


mon préféré 🏎️
He has a crush on you
Has for a while
It's annoying really


my wife 🐻

no way
ur pulling on my leg

mon préféré 🏎️
Why would i lie?

i barely know him how can
he have a crush on me

my wife 🐻
oh cus ur one to talk !

shut up nai 😒

mon préféré 🏎️
He's been a fan of yours for a while
Why do you think he always came to say               hi to you when you came to our races

i just thought he was really kind

my wife 🐻
so what r u gonna do


my wife 🐻
abt lando

nothing?? 😭

my wife 🐻

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mon préféré 🏎️ (charles)
voix d'angèle 🎸 (cassie)

When do you come back to Monaco?

next sat on the 12 why?

I have a break until the next
race in the Netherlands
Our schedules align when can i see you

you sound like a clingy bf

As if

but yes maybe u can pick
me up from the airport? ☺️

Ugh of course you're using me
as your personal chauffeur

ur the best charlie 🫶

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filler chapter
also charles exposing lando 😭

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