ᡣ𐭩 chapter six

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August 12, 2023

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August 12, 2023

It's 6 p.m. when I make it to Nice. As I step out of the airport, I look for my best friend, who said he was here waiting for me. As I go to text him, asking where he is, I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"C'est tellement bon de vous revoir." It's so good to see you again.

"Charles, tu m'as manqué." Charles, I've missed you.

"Donnez-moi votre sac; la voiture est par ici." Give me your bag; the car is over here.

He takes my suitcase as he starts heading in the direction his car is located. When we get to his car, he opens the door for me, and while I sit down and put my seatbelt on, he puts my suitcase in the trunk. When he gets into the car and starts driving, he asks me how I've been. We fill each other in on what we have missed, how we've been doing, and our future plans over the 45-minute car ride.

"Certains chauffeurs et moi-même sortons ce soir. Veux-tu venir? Alex vient." Some of the drivers and I are going out tonight. Do you want to come? Alex is coming. He tells me this as he drops me off.

"Je n'ai pas vu Alex depuis mon anniversaire." I haven't seen Alex since my birthday.

"Je sais que vous lui manquez." I know she misses you.

"OK, je suis d'accord." Ok, im down.

I say goodbye to him as I tell him to text me the details.

______________ 🐇 ______________

It's 8 when I step into the club, heading towards the VIP section where Charles told me they were located. As I'm getting closer, I can see everyone else who's here, apart from Charles and Alexandra. There's Max with his girlfriend Kelly, George and Carmen, Alex and Lily, and Carlos. Charles looks up and spots me. "Cassie!" he shouts, standing up. as everyone turns to look at me.

"Your Majesty has arrived," I say jokingly. Everyone greets me, and I sit down next to Alex when she pulls me in for a hug. "Cas, hi, it's been so long."

As we're all talking amongst ourselves, Carlos turns towards me and says, "So Cassie, as your favorite Ferrari driver, why have I not heard your album yet?" "Well, as the driver who's leading the championship, I think I should be the one to hear it." Max interjects while I laugh at both of them.

"Sorry, I'm late. I got held up." A voice suddenly cuts through the crowd, and we all turn to see Lando walking towards the booth. As everyone greets him, I stare, feeling my tongue go numb. Was he always this good-looking? He asks what we were talking about: "Just about Cassiopeia not letting us hear her album." "It's only 2 weeks until it comes out; you'll live." I respond as Lando suddenly turns towards me like he didn't see me before, which is possible as I was hidden a bit behind Alexandra.

He smiles as he heads toward the empty seat to my left. "Well, I'm sure you can let me hear, as I'm your future boyfriend." I laugh. "In your dreams, Norris." As he sits down, he smiles at me.

"It's good to see you again; you look pretty."

I'm wearing a short yellow dress that had small yellow beads on the v-neck and on the waist area, paired with a diamond necklace with a yellow jewel in the middle.

"Thank you; you look good too." and I wasn't lying; he was wearing white jeans with a black button down with the top 4 buttons undone, letting his necklace peek out.

Carmen stands up, declaring that we girls go get a drink and hit the dance floor. As we're at the bar waiting for our drinks, Lily turns towards me and says, "So what's up with you and Lando?"

"What, nothing?" I reply, a bit confused.

"Oh, I could have sworn there was something there," she responds.

"I remember his comment on your post, and now the boyfriend comment he just dropped back there." Carmen agrees

"No, that's just his way of joking, I assume."

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