Chapter 51: Didn't Mean Anything

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Chapter 51: Didn't Mean Anything

Scarlette's POV

*Two Months Later*

I was woken up by a phone call. I grabbed the phone and pressed answer.

"Hello?" I answered in a groggy voice.

"Hey babe! I just got back in my car and am driving home!"

"Great! Can't wait to see you!" I said, quickly waking up.

"Can't wait to see you either, love you!"

"Love you!" I said and hung up. I looked over at Dominic and sighed. "Wake up." I said, shaking him awake.

"Whatttt?" He groaned.

"My husbands on his way home, you need to leave." I said, getting out of bed and getting dressed. "You weren't supposed to spend the night anyway. I can't risk my daughter seeing you."

"She's not even two yet." He said, rolling her eyes.

"Still. Andy spends a ton of time with her and I can't risk having this slip out." I said. He rolled over, his back to me, and let out another groan. "Seriously, get the fuck up and get out. I need to wash these sheets." I said, pulling the comforter off of him. "This was a one night thing."

"That's what you said last week. And the week before."

"I was lonely and I missed my husband. Now, my husband is heading home, I don't need your comfort anymore." I said, piling the comforter on the floor and beginning to pull the top sheet off.

"Alright." He groaned, getting up. He pulled his clothes on and walked over to me, trying to give me a kiss. I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. "Scarlette."

"This is just sex. I love my husband."

"Okay." He said, rolling his eyes. He grabbed his bag and keys, walking down the stairs and leaving the house. I continued stripping the bed and threw it all in the washer. I took a shower and then I walked into Kaylee's room to see her awake in her crib, playing with her feet. I smiled and picked her up, cooing to her as I got her ready for the day. I had jsut finished getting her dressed when the front door opened.

"I'm homeee!" Andy called.

"Daddy's home!" I smiled at Kaylee, picking her up and carrying her down the stairs.

"There's my girls!" He smiled, reaching his arms out for me to give him Kaylee. He pulled her close to him and kissed all over her face. "God, I missed you guys." He said, pulling me into a hug and kissing me.

"We missed you too." I smiled, kissing him back. 

"I know you don't like when I'm on tour, but I appreciate you for being so supportive and patient. For holding down the fort when I'm gone. I love you so much Scarlette."

"I love you too." I smiled, guilt hitting me like a punch in the stomach.


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