Chapter 52: Happy

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Chapter 52: Happy

Andy's POV

*One Week Later*

"Hey Andy, are things any better with Scarlette?" Jinxx asked. We were in the recording studio, working on a new song.

"Yeah." I said with a genuine smile. "We haven't fought since I got back and things feel really good right now. I'm happy, Scarlette's happy, Kaylee's happy. I don't know if it's just that blissful period of time since I've been gone for so long and I don't know how long it will last, but I'm enjoying the moment. I feel like time apart was what we truly needed."

"Told you that you probably just needed time apart." Jinxx laughed. "Sometimes, a small break does wonders. Time to cool off, rethink, and reset."

"Are you still angry at her?" Lonny asked.

"I think part of me always will be. I'm not filled with rage at the sight of her anymore. I'm always going to mourn the baby that could've been, but I think that will get smaller and smaller with time, especially if we end up having another kid."

"Do you want another kid?" CC asked.

"I really think I do. I mean, I just have so much love for Kaylee. I grew up an only child, I can't imagine Kaylee being one. I want to give her siblings. I want my family to grow, I want another child to raise and love. Honestly, a small part of me will always want a son. It sounds like Scarlette might be at least open to alternatives, like adoption or surrogacy, so all hope is not lost. I think that's what helps me to keep going."

"Well, I do have to say, having a little boy is great." Jinxx laughed.

"Your relationship moved so fast, Andy. Scarlette got pregnant before she even had a chance to think. You proposed the moment you found out. I think this rough patch is the getting to know each other part that you guys kind of skipped." Jake laughed. "I think as you two grow older, grow together, grow in your relationship, things will even out. You'll fight less, you'll figure out how to compromise with each other. It's just going to be a bumpy road for a bit."

"Yeah." I sighed, slumping in my seat. "Like I said, I'm taking the positive moments in stride. It's so nice to not get in a screaming match on the daily. I'm just really soaking it in, because I know it won't last forever. I'd love it to, but that's just not the reality of our relationship, unfortunately. We're two strong-willed people that know what we want and won't stop until we get it. That does not lend well to compromise, but we're learning." I laughed.

"Alright, enough about me. Let's get back to work." I chuckled.


Sorry it's short! I feel like a large time jump might be coming soon as I figure out how to pivot to my next idea.

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