Chapter 53: Just the Two of Us

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Chapter 53: Just the Two of Us

Scarlette's POV

*One Week Later*

"I'm taking you out tonight and then we are spending the night, alone." Andy winked at me.

"Oh, so I don't get a choice?" I laughed.

"Nope! I've already made the dinner reservation and your mom has agreed to watch Kaylee for the night."

"You thought of everything, didn't you?" I asked with a smirk.

"Yup." He said cheerfully.

"What's the occasion?"

"Uhm, I was gone for 3 months?" He answered like it was a ridiculous question. "I want to spend quality time with my wife, without a baby demanding our attention." He said, sitting next to me on the couch. "I want all of my attention to be on you." He said seductively, placing small kisses on my neck. I threw my head to the side and closed my eyes, letting out a small moan. He wrapped his arm around my waist when Kaylee started crying. "That's why she has a babysitter tonight." Andy laughed, giving me a kiss before standing up and walking towards the stairs. "Be ready to leave at 5!" He called before climbing the stairs.


"Alright, you hungry?" Andy asked, getting back in the car from dropping off Kaylee.

"Very." I said and he chuckled. He drove us to the restaurant and we were seated. We looked through our menus and ordered our food. We made small talk until our food arrived.

"Part of the reason I wanted to take you out tonight was to thank you for just being an amazing wife. I know it's hard on you when I go on tour, so I just wanted to show you my appreciation for you allowing me to truly have it all. A loving wife, an amazing family, my dream career. I'm so grateful to have you Scarlette."

"Thank you." I said quietly, wondering if that feeling of guilt would ever disappear. "I don't need to be thanked, I always give you a hard time about leaving." I shrugged.

"You may not be happy about me leaving, but I think I should start to worry when you are happy about me leaving." He laughed. "I love you Scarlette."

"I love you too Andy." I said with a small giggle. We finished our food, Andy payed, and then we headed home. He barely let the door close before he attached himself to me.


"You know, you may not like me going on tour, but the sex is always amazing when I get back." He said, draping his arm across me and kissing my cheek.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." I laughed, trying to catch my breath. "Is it wrong to say sex is one of the things I miss the most when you're on tour?"

"I mean, I am pretty sexy." He laughed, striking a cheesy pose.

"What time do we need to pick up Kaylee tomorrow?" I asked.

"Shh." He said, pulling me close to his chest. "Just focus on this moment, she's being taken care of. Right now, we're not mom and dad. We're Andy and Scarlette. Husband and wife." He said and then let me go slightly and looked into my eyes. "I'm so in love with you Scarlette."

"I'm so in love with you." I smiled, kissing him.


Short, cute chapter!

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