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Okay here goes nothing:

I am considering changing the name to A New Beginning, because it sounds more like a title of a typical WoF book, but I want to know what you guys think!

Update: we are keeping the Name knowledge Unfurling for now unless the majority of people want to change it to a new beginning 

Sorry that this isn't a new chapter, I am working on it!

Also.... WE HIT 100 READS! OMG! PEOPLE ACTUALLY READ  MY STORIES! Thank you to everyone who has. You guys are the only reason I've kept writing this story, I really appreciate it! Also, Shout out to my friend 4ugustTh3W3ird0, who's given me so much encouragement and support every time I publish a new chapter.

Thats all, and I'm going to keep writing Chapter 4 for you guys!

Lilac <3

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