Chapter 5 : A Dark Revelation

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Yogiraj walked into the room, his expression grave. He sat down across from Virendra, the weight of the information he carried evident in his demeanor. Virendra could sense something serious was about to be revealed.

"She has been ill-treated by her uncle and aunt for the property," Yogiraj began. "They've been forcing her to marry a divorced man, who has a history of beating his previous wife. The hospital staff hesitated to tell you anything because of an incident during a night shift."

Virendra's attention was now fully focused, a sense of dread creeping over him.

"Her uncle came to the hospital, barged into her cabin, and started shouting at her. He dragged her out by her hair, while she was crying and struggling, just to hand her over to a man for a night to pay off a loan he took. He even threatened her that if she tried to escape, they would do something even worse."

Yogiraj's voice was steady, but the details were chilling. "All this information was told to me by a trusted and secret contact."

As Yogiraj spoke, Virendra's anger began to boil. The thought of Riddhi, his sweet, strong Riddhi, enduring such torment filled him with rage.

"My Princess has been through so much," Virendra said, his voice low but full of intensity. "And still, she stands strong with a smile. I want everyone's blood on my hands who ever troubled my laddo. They will pay for every single tear she might have shed."

Yogiraj could see the fury in Virendra's eyes, the determination to protect and avenge the woman who had unknowingly captured his heart.

"We will make sure they pay," Yogiraj assured him, his voice firm. "But we need to be careful and plan this out. Riddhi deserves justice, and we will give it to her."

Virendra nodded, his resolve strengthening. He would not rest until Riddhi was safe and those who had hurt her were brought to justice.

(Virendra is discharged from the hospital)

Virendra couldn't stand the thought of Riddhi suffering any longer. The anger inside him boiled as he planned his next move with Yogiraj. This wasn't going to be a legal battle-it was personal, and he intended to handle it his way.

Planning the Murder
Late one night, Virendra and Yogiraj sat in a dimly lit room, strategizing.

"This has to look like an accident, or an unsolvable crime," Yogiraj suggested. "We can't leave any loose ends."

Virendra nodded, his face set in grim determination. "They'll pay for every tear Riddhi has shed because of them."

Late one night, Virendra, along with a few trusted men, silently approached Riddhi's house. The night was dark, providing perfect cover. Inside, her uncle and aunt were oblivious to the danger approaching them.

Virendra knocked on the door. When Riddhi's uncle answered, he was met with the sight of a tall, imposing man whose eyes burned with fury.

"Who are you?" the uncle demanded, his voice trembling.

"I'm Virendra Pandey, Riddhi's lover," he replied, stepping into the house with a deadly calm.

The uncle's face turned pale. "What do you want?"

"To end your tyranny," Virendra growled, slamming the door shut behind him.

Virendra lunged forward, grabbing the uncle by the throat. "This is for every tear she's shed," he spat, his grip tightening.

He forced the uncle to the ground, pulling out a knife. "Remember how you pulled her hair?" Virendra hissed. With a swift motion, he sliced off the uncle's hand. Blood spurted out, and the man screamed in agony.

"Please, no!" the uncle begged, but Virendra was relentless. He stabbed him repeatedly, each thrust fueled by rage. Blood splattered across the room, painting a gruesome picture.

Turning to the aunt, who was paralyzed with fear, he said, "And you... you let this happen." He walked toward her, the knife dripping with blood. She screamed, trying to run, but Virendra caught her easily. He plunged the knife into her heart, silencing her forever.

The room fell silent, save for Virendra's heavy breathing. He cleaned the scene meticulously, making it look like a brutal robbery gone wrong.

Riddhi returned from the hospital, exhausted and worried about her uncle and aunt's constant torment. As she opened the front door, the sight that met her eyes made her heart stop. Blood was splattered across the floor, and her uncle and aunt lay lifeless.

She screamed and fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. "No, no, no!" she cried, her voice breaking.

Suddenly, she noticed a dark figure sitting on the couch, the only light in the room coming from the streetlight outside, casting a shadow over the figure's face. Her heart pounded in her chest.

"Welcome, my darling," a deep voice said, chilling her to the bone

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"Welcome, my darling," a deep voice said, chilling her to the bone.

"Who... who are you?" Riddhi stammered, trying to see the man's face.

The figure leaned forward, revealing Virendra's piercing eyes. "I am Virendra Pandey, and from now on, I am your protector."

Riddhi's fear turned to confusion and anger. "Protector? You killed them!" she shouted.

"They deserved it," Virendra replied coldly. "For every single tear they made you shed, they paid the price. Now, you are free."

"Free? This isn't freedom! This is a nightmare!" Riddhi cried, backing away.

Virendra stood up, walking towards her with a predatory grace. "You don't understand now, but you will. You are mine, Riddhi. And I will never let anyone harm you again."

Riddhi's mind raced. "I don't want to be yours. I don't even know you."

"You will know me. You will see the man who loves you more than anything," Virendra said, his voice softening. "Marry me, Riddhi. Be mine, and I will give you the world."

"No," Riddhi whispered, shaking her head.

"You don't have a choice," Virendra said, his tone turning dark again. "I have destroyed those who hurt you. Now, you belong to me. Marry me, or I will ensure you live to regret it."

Riddhi's tears fell freely as she realized the depth of her predicament. Her life had changed in an instant, and the man standing before her, though claiming to love her, filled her with a dread she couldn't escape.


Hey beautiful ladies ❤️
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