the present

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Daniel and Emily arrived back home, dropping the shopping bags by the door. Emily glanced at Daniel, noticing his exhaustion. "How about I make us some spaghetti for dinner?"

"Sounds good," Daniel replied, collapsing onto the couch. The day's shopping had worn him out, and he was grateful for a chance to relax.

Emily busied herself in the kitchen, and before long, the aroma of simmering tomato sauce filled the apartment. Daniel watched her work, appreciating her effort despite knowing she wasn't the best cook.

As they sat down to eat at the table, Emily poured two glasses of the wine they had bought earlier. "Cheers," she said, clinking her glass against his.

"Cheers," Daniel echoed, taking a sip. The wine was good, a small comfort amidst his swirling thoughts.

"So, tomorrow we're meeting with my old professor," Emily began, her tone cautious. "She might know something about what's happened."

Daniel's nerves spiked. "What if she can't help? What if I never switch back?" He voiced his fears, the anxiety evident in his voice.

Emily reached across the table and squeezed his hand. "I know it's scary. I'm not that hopeful either, but it's our best shot right now. Let's try to focus on the present, okay?"

Daniel nodded, trying to steady his breathing. "Yeah, you're right. One step at a time."

Emily smiled, trying to lighten the mood. "Speaking of the present, how's the spaghetti?"

Daniel took a bite, appreciating her effort. "It's good. Maybe boil the pasta a little less next time, though."

Emily laughed. "Yeah, I'm not exactly a chef. But hey, I picked a pretty good wine, didn't I?"

Daniel chuckled, feeling a bit more at ease. "You did."

They continued eating, washing the dishes together afterward. Their casual conversation and joking around helped Daniel momentarily forget his worries.

"Remember when we tried to make homemade pizza and ended up with a kitchen disaster?" Emily asked, drying a plate.

Daniel laughed, recalling the memory. "Yeah, the smoke alarm wouldn't stop going off. But it was fun."

After the kitchen was clean, they moved to the couch. A brief debate ensued over what to watch—Daniel suggested "The Bear," while Emily lobbied for "Bridgerton."

"Come on, let's watch 'Bridgerton' tonight. It's been a while," Emily pleaded.

Daniel sighed but relented. "Fine, 'Bridgerton' it is."

They snuggled up, and as the show played, Daniel's mind wandered. He couldn't focus on the screen, too preoccupied with thoughts of his uncertain future. How would he explain this to his parents, his sister, his boss? The prospect of living in this body indefinitely was daunting.

Emily could sense his distraction. An hour into the show, she pushed herself closer to Daniel. When he turned to look at her, she kissed him, trying to pull him back to the moment.

They started making out until Emily pulled away, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I have a present for you," she said, her voice soft and inviting.

Curious, Daniel asked, "What is it?"

Emily got up and retrieved something from one of the shopping bags, keeping it hidden as she slipped into the bathroom. Daniel watched from the couch, his curiosity piqued.

Less than a minute later, Emily opened the bathroom door, now wearing her robe. "Come here," she said softly.

Daniel approached, and once inside the bathroom, Emily revealed the first part of the surprise: a pink lace bodysuit. "Since this could be the last night I have a girlfriend, will you make me happy and wear this?" she asked, her tone seductive.

Daniel hesitated, not wanting to wear it but also not wanting to disappoint Emily. "I don't know, Emily..."

She stepped closer, her eyes pleading. "Please, for me?"

Sighing, Daniel conceded. "Okay, fine."

Emily's face lit up. "Let me help you put it on."

As she assisted him, Daniel's discomfort was palpable. The lace and straps felt foreign against his skin, however, Emily was gentle and reassuring, trying to make the experience as comfortable as possible as she subtly massaged his body.

"You look great," she whispered, fastening the last clasp. "You won't regret this."

Daniel gave a weak smile, appreciating her effort to ease his discomfort, even if it didn't entirely alleviate the unease gnawing at him.

Emily stepped closer, her eyes lighting up with admiration. "You look hot, Dani," she said, her voice filled with genuine affection.

Daniel gave a soft smile in response, still processing the sight before him.

The pink lace bodysuit hugged his curves, accentuating his new body's shape in a way that was  strangely appealing

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The pink lace bodysuit hugged his curves, accentuating his new body's shape in a way that was  strangely appealing. He couldn't deny that, objectively, he looked good.

"And now for the second part of the surprise," Emily said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. She slipped off her robe, revealing a matching bodysuit in a cool shade of baby blue.

Daniel's smile grew as he turned to face her, his hands instinctively finding her hips and sliding up to her waist. The sight of them together in the mirror, each in their own color, was unexpectedly beautiful.

"Wait a minute," Daniel said, his curiosity piqued. "Why did you give me the pink one?"

Emily grinned, her eyes sparkling with playful mischief. "Aren't you more of a pink girl? It's more your color."

Daniel glanced back at the mirror, studying their reflections side by side. The pink did complement his skin tone well.

Emily wrapped her arms around his waist, batting her eyes at him. "Now, why don't we take this to the bedroom?" she suggested, her voice dropping to a seductive whisper. She punctuated her words with a playful squeeze of his ass.

Daniel felt a mix of emotions swirling inside him. The unease and anxiety about his situation were still there, but in this moment, Emily's warmth and affection provided a comforting distraction. For now, he could focus on the present.

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