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As Daniel and Emily approached Dr. Kelly, Daniel felt a mix of nerves and curiosity. Dr. Kelly was sitting on a park bench under a large oak tree, her colorful clothes standing out against the green backdrop. She spotted them and waved enthusiastically.

"Emily! It's been ages!" Dr. Kelly exclaimed, standing up to give Emily a hug.

"Hi, Dr. Kelly! It's so good to see you," Emily replied, hugging her back. "I'm an online therapist now."

"That's wonderful! Helping people from the comfort of your home. I love it," Dr. Kelly said, her face lighting up. "And who's this lovely young lady with you?"

Emily smiled and gestured to Daniel. "Dr. Kelly, this is Danny. Danny, this is Dr. Kelly."

"Please, call me Jennifer," Dr. Kelly said warmly, shaking Daniel's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Jennifer," Daniel said, offering a shy smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Danny. Please, sit down," Dr. Kelly said, her eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, tell me, what's this unique situation Emily mentioned?"

Emily and Daniel sat down, and Emily began to explain. "Well, Dr. Kelly, it's a bit complicated. Daniel here, he's actually my boyfriend. A severe thunderstorm hit a few nights ago, and when he woke up, he found himself in a woman's body."

Dr. Kelly's eyes widened with intrigue, her expressive face reflecting her interest. "Really? Fascinating! Tell me more."

Daniel interjected, adding more detail. "It was strange. I went to bed in my own body, and the next morning, I woke up like this; a totally different person."

Dr. Kelly leaned in closer, visually inspecting Daniel. "Are you two pulling my leg? This isn't some elaborate prank, is it?"

"I wish it was," Daniel replied, shaking his head.

Dr. Kelly nodded, her curiosity deepening. "Alright, let's get to the bottom of this. What have you two been doing the past couple of days?"

Emily answered, "We've been trying to figure things out. We visited some shops, bought clothes that fit Daniel better, and just tried to get used to the new reality."

Dr. Kelly nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. Now, where did your sense of style come from, Danny?"

Daniel laughed awkwardly. "That's all Emily's doing. She's been telling me what to wear."

Dr. Kelly chuckled. "I was half-joking, but I was also curious if your sense of style changed after the swap."

Dr. Kelly then asked, "Do you still have all your old memories, or do you have any new ones?"

"I still have all my old memories. No new ones," Daniel answered.

"And your new anatomy? Does everything appear normal?" Dr. Kelly continued.

"I think so," Daniel said, glancing at Emily for confirmation.

"Everything looks normal," Emily agreed.

Dr. Kelly's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "What about your moods and emotions? Any changes there?"

Daniel considered this. "I still feel mostly the same, but my emotions seem more intense. When I'm happy, I feel really happy. And when I'm sad or angry, those feelings are stronger too."

"That's likely because of your new hormones affecting your brain," Dr. Kelly explained. "Testosterone can act like a mood depressant, keeping your emotions more neutral. Without it, your emotions can feel more intense. A superpower if you ask me!"

Emily smiled.

Dr. Kelly's next question came with a hint of a smirk. "Have you had a period yet?"

Daniel's eyes widened with concern. "No, not yet."

Dr. Kelly chuckled. "Good luck with that. If your hormones are affecting your mood, they'll likely affect the rest of your body too. Emily, you should prepare him for that."

Emily laughed, adding, "Don't worry, I'll help you through it."

Daniel felt a wave of dread, but before he could dwell on it, Dr. Kelly continued with her questions. "Have you noticed any changes in your physical abilities? Strength, endurance, that sort of thing?"

"I haven't tested that out yet," Daniel admitted. "But I do feel less strong."

Dr. Kelly nodded. "That's to be expected. And your appetite? Any changes there?"

"Yeah, actually," Daniel said. "Things I used to like don't taste the same anymore. And I seem to be craving different foods."

Dr. Kelly leaned back, a thoughtful expression on her face. "This is incredibly interesting. I've never heard of anything like this before. I'll need to do some research, but I'm intrigued. Let's plan to meet again in two weeks. Same place?"

Daniel frowned, hoping for a quicker resolution. "Two weeks? Can't we meet sooner?"

Dr. Kelly shook her head. "I need time to properly research this. Two weeks is already generous."

Daniel sighed, reluctantly conceding. "Alright, two weeks it is."

Emily smiled, thanking Dr. Kelly. "Thank you for helping us. This means a lot."

Dr. Kelly returned the smile. "I'm excited by this whole situation. Daniel, you might be the only person to ever experience this. Embrace it while you can."

Emily nodded in agreement. "That's the positive attitude we need right now."

Dr. Kelly leaned in, giving Daniel a reassuring look. "In the meantime, try to explore this new identity. Get to know yourself in this form. It might help you adjust better. And who knows? You might discover something new about yourself."

Daniel nodded, though he still felt uneasy. "I'll try."

Dr. Kelly stood up, preparing to leave but paused to add one more piece of advice. "Why don't you take some time to enjoy simple pleasures? Maybe try some activities you've never considered before. This could be a time of unexpected growth."

Daniel nodded, appreciating the advice even though he still felt tense. "I'll think about it. Thanks, Dr. Kelly."

Dr. Kelly smiled warmly. "Remember, this might be temporary. We'll figure this out together."

As Dr. Kelly left, Daniel's mind raced with thoughts. The reality of living like this for the next two weeks weighed heavily on him. Emily noticed his worry and tried to reassure him. "I have a special night planned for us. Try to stop worrying and just embrace the next few weeks. There's nothing else we can do right now."

Daniel thought about the advice from both Emily and Dr. Kelly. It was easier said than done, but he knew he had to try. For now, he would take it one day at a time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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