after the storm

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Daniel woke up groggy from a restless night. The storm had raged for hours, rattling the windows of his small apartment and leaving the Saturday morning air thick with humidity. He groaned as he rolled out of bed, his mind still hazy from the thunderous roars and bright flashes of lightning that had kept him up most of the night. Eyes half open, he stumbled to the bathroom, noticing everything seemed higher up than normal. At 6'2", he was usually towering, but now everything seemed out of place.

As he stood in front of the toilet, he reached down to relieve himself and froze. There was nothing to reach for.

Panic surged through him, chasing away the last remnants of sleep. His heart pounded as he looked down and saw not his usual anatomy. He rushed to the mirror, staring at a reflection that wasn't his own. Instead of his familiar face, a young blonde woman with wide, terrified eyes and long, tangled hair stared back at him.

"What the hell..." he spoke aloud but was shocked when he heard a soft-spoken feminine voice. He reached up to touch his face, feeling the smooth skin and delicate features that shouldn't be there. His hands moved to his chest, confirming what the reflection showed: he had breasts. Daniel's mind reeled, a thousand thoughts competing for attention.

"This can't be real," he muttered, backing away from the mirror. "I'm dreaming. I have to be dreaming."

But it felt real. Too real. The storm, the sleepless night, and now this.

Unsure what to do, he went to his closet to get some clothes to cover his new body. He grabbed a pair of jeans but couldn't get them over his hips. He grabbed a pair of loose boxers that now fit him tightly. He threw on one of his t-shirts that was now very oversized, drowning his body and going halfway down his thighs.

He sat on his bed, unsure what to do next.

He needed help. He needed to talk to someone. And the first person he thought of was his girlfriend, Emily. He wasn't sure how she'd react, but she was the person he went to with all his problems. She'd know what to do.

Grabbing his phone with shaking hands, Daniel dialled Emily's number. After a few rings, she picked up, her voice groggy with sleep.

"Hey, babe," she mumbled. "What's up?"

"Emily, you need to come over. Now." Daniel's voice was higher, softer than usual.

"Who are you? Why do you have Daniel's phone?" she asked, suddenly more awake. "What's going on?"

"It's me, Emily, please, just come over." He hung up, unable to explain further over the phone.

Emily arrived ten minutes later, still in her pajamas, worry etched on her face. Daniel let her in, and she stared at him, eyes wide.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice rising. "Where's Daniel?"

"It's me, Emily. I swear, it's me." Tears welled up in Daniel's eyes, feeling more emotional than he normally would. "I have no idea what happened. I woke up like this."

Emily stared in disbelief at the small blonde woman standing before her claiming to be her tall, dark-haired, broad-shouldered boyfriend. She reached out a tentative hand, touching his arm as if to confirm he was real.

"Say something only Daniel would know," she demanded.

Daniel, failing to hold back tears, mutters multiple inside jokes and memories only the two of them would know.

Convinced, Emily responded, "Oh my god Daniel, how is this even possible?"

"I don't know," Daniel said, collapsing onto the floor. "I just woke up like this. Nothing makes sense."

Emily crouched down to comfort Daniel. "We'll figure it out," she said reassuringly.

Emily's hand on Daniel's back started to calm him down as he regained his composure.

"Do you think this happened to anyone else?" Daniel asked Emily.

"I have no idea. Up until a minute ago, I would have said this was impossible... but now I feel like I don't know anything," said Emily.

Daniel got up from the ground and went to grab his phone. "If this happened to anyone else, surely someone must have posted about it online," he said. Emily agreed and started searching on her phone. 

They found nothing online and wondered what to do next. Emily suggested calling a doctor, thinking they might have a better idea of what is happening. After calling a few offices and being brushed away as crazy, one doctor warned them that identity theft is a felony crime with big consequences and advised against going down that road.

Now even more confused and scared of being charged with identity theft, they sat together in silence.

"Maybe when you wake up tomorrow everything will be back to normal," Emily suggested. "Maybe we just chill here all day and hope for the best."

Daniel agreed. Without any better ideas, this seemed like the best theory. They sat on the couch, a tense silence between them, until Emily finally broke it with a teasing smile.

"At least you're still cute," she said. "A little short.. but I always like my girls shorter than me."

Daniel laughed, a mix of discomfort and genuine amusement. Deciding to play along, he replied, "So I'm still your type then, huh?"

Emily laughed too, then got up and headed to the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Just some water please," Daniel responded.

The two spent the day in Daniel's apartment, binge TV shows and watching TikToks together.

While eating their dinner of leftover pizza, Emily grabbed a bottle of champagne from Daniel's kitchen. "Is it just me or does today feel worthy of a bottle of champagne?" Emily asked.

"I think you might be onto something," Daniel said, laughing. "We should have started drinking a lot earlier."

A couple of glasses of champagne in, Daniel went to pour himself another but started to feel it's effect. "I think I'm a lightweight now," he said, spilling champagne all over his shirt.

"It looks like it," Emily said, laughing.

"Fuck it," Daniel said, chugging the rest of the bottle. Emily cheered him on. Both feeling a little flirty, Emily got up and walked over to Daniel.

"Looks like you might need help changing your shirt," she said, slipping her hand under his shirt and grabbing his waist.

"Oh really," Daniel said, feeling a flutter in his stomach.

Emily pulled on his wet shirt leading Daniel into the bedroom. "Do you want to actually do this?" she asked as she pushed him onto the bed.

"Never going to be able to do something like this again," Daniel said as he pulled Emily's legs closer. Emily slowly took his shirt off, revealing his feminine form as they began to make out.

Emily took the lead, slowly running her tongue down the front of Daniel's soft body. As she reached the bottom, her fingers gently guided themselves between his legs. Her tongue followed.

After a little while, Daniel quickly experienced the most intense sensation he had ever felt. His back arching and thighs quivering, he struggled to hold back his moans. Emily persisted until Daniel couldn't handle it anymore and gently pulled her head out from between his legs.

Daniel laid there in euphoria.

Emily smiled at her handiwork and crawled back on top of Daniel. "I thought you might like that," she said smugly.

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