Chapter 5: Ribbles Of Jealousy

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The weeks passed with a rhythm that seemed to amplify the emotions swirling around Faye and Yoko. Their connection deepened silently, each day revealing new facets of their bond, while the presence of others in their lives added layers of complexity.

Folk continued his persistent pursuit of Yoko, his affectionate gestures becoming more pronounced with each passing day. He would wait outside the dance studio after her rehearsals, presenting her with small tokens of his admiration — handmade trinkets, her favorite snacks, and even another heartfelt song performed in the campus courtyard.

Yoko appreciated Folk’s kindness and talent, but her heart remained elsewhere. She politely declined his advances, trying her best to let him down gently without hurting his feelings. Each refusal weighed on her, knowing she couldn’t reciprocate his feelings.

One afternoon, after another serenade by Folk, Yoko found herself walking alone across the campus grounds. She felt a mix of emotions — guilt for not returning Folk’s feelings, confusion about her own heart, and a longing for Faye, who seemed always just out of reach.

As Yoko navigated these thoughts, Faye found herself restless and agitated. She couldn’t shake the feeling of jealousy that gripped her whenever she saw Folk with Yoko. It wasn’t just the attention he lavished on her; it was the fear of losing Yoko to someone else, someone who seemed so earnest and public in his pursuit.

That evening, Faye sought solace in the familiar warmth of Ize’s café, joining her friends with a tumultuous storm brewing in her mind.

“I just don’t understand why it bothers me so much,” Faye admitted, her voice tinged with frustration. “Yoko deserves to explore her feelings, but every time I see Folk around her, I can’t help but feel...”

Wan, sipping her tea thoughtfully, finished Faye’s sentence, “Jealous?”

Faye nodded, surprised by her own admission. “Yes, jealous. I never thought I’d be the one feeling this way. It’s not fair to Yoko.”

Ize placed a comforting hand on Faye’s shoulder. “Feelings are complicated, Faye. It’s natural to feel protective over someone you care about deeply.”

Wan leaned forward, her expression gentle yet probing. “Have you talked to Yoko about how you feel?”

Faye shook her head. “No, not yet. We’ve been taking things slow, and I don’t want to overwhelm her.”

Ize sighed softly. “Maybe it’s time to have that conversation, Faye. It’s clear that this is weighing on you. You owe it to yourself and to Yoko to be honest.”

Later that night, as Yoko walked through the quiet campus, she found herself by the riverbank, gazing at the tranquil waters. She took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind of the day’s events. Folk’s persistence weighed heavily on her thoughts, but so did her growing feelings for Faye.

Yoko reached for her phone, hesitating before dialing. She realized with a pang of disappointment that she still didn’t have Faye’s number. They had kept their communication strictly within the boundaries of the university, a precaution they had agreed upon.

With a sigh, Yoko pocketed her phone and continued her walk, her heart heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings.

Meanwhile, Faye lay awake in her bed, the events of the day replaying in her mind. She couldn’t shake the image of Yoko’s smile, the one that seemed reserved just for her. She knew she needed to confront her own feelings of jealousy and insecurity before they threatened to unravel what she had with Yoko.

The next morning, Faye made a decision. She would find Yoko and talk to her, openly and honestly, about everything that had been weighing on her heart. It was time to lay bare her feelings and trust that Yoko would understand.

As the sun rose over the campus, casting long shadows across the pathways, Faye set out to find Yoko, determined to bridge the gap between them and confront the unspoken tensions that lingered between them.

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