10 - Again?

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Leondre had once again ripped him away from his reality. Luckily, to be honest. Because he definitely didn't want to walk that stupid way home.

He took his smartphone and texted Charlie. After a few back and forths, Leo's friend promised to pick him up right away.

At least he could now be in a warm room and not walk around the neighborhood.

When Leondre got into the car, Charlie didn't seem particularly pleased.

"You just ripped me away at the perfect moment," he hissed, as soon as Leo had opened the door.

"Sorry, I didn't know," Leo replied apologetically. "And now what?"

"You know how it goes. Now you're coming with me. After all, Leondre is my friend, it would be weird to show up anywhere without him anyway," Charlie replied. Leondre was still from the other side, not his friend. He understood it himself, but he had concerns.

"I don't think your friend Leondre wants Leondre's place on this side anymore." He said what they had both been thinking for a long time.

Charlie rolled his eyes. "Listen. I think you know that I notice that too. But for now, I don't see any reason to worry too much. Maybe you should convince me that you are worthy of his place here."

Leo thought briefly about the party, where he thought he had proved more than enough that he was worthy of this place.

"No, smoking weed is not proof of that." grumbled Charlie, who had apparently heard his thoughts.

"And what do you think I should do?" Leondre raised an eyebrow angrily.

"That will become clear in time," replied the other.

He stopped the car. Before the older one got out, he looked over at Leo. "You know the rules."

Then the two got out.

Leondre had to get his bearings for a moment, Charlie ran ahead. They were outside, no house nearby. The two of them walked straight towards a group of people their age who were sitting around a skate park.

"Yo Leo." That was the stoner guy from the party. To be honest, he liked him, so he sat down next to him.

"What's up?" he grumbled back as casually as he could.

While he waited for an answer, he looked around. Between a few people he had already seen, he saw you. To be honest, you had only come here because you wanted to make new contacts. When you met Leo's eyes, you looked away as quickly as possible.

He sensed that it would not be easy to ignore these feelings, nor to act on them.

One of the guys turned the music back on.

"It's a shame that skating isn't a big thing anymore," Chris muttered.

"At least you have the place to yourself now," Leondre replied.

His cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, because he was sure Leo would do the same whether they were in the middle of a conversation or not.

It was a message from Charlie. When he read it, he rolled his eyes.

"Talk to her"

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