The meeting

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Gold woke up like any other normal day "'yawn' ugh, morning already 'sigh.'"

Gold got up and walked to her closet, "what should I wear today? Hmm, black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow, ooh, yellow and black" 

She grabs her clothes and changes from her pajamas, and goes downstairs for breakfast. "Hey mom, what's for breakfast today?" She asks her mother, "eggs and bacon dear, come sit down now and you can have an extra egg, okay?" "Okay mom" Gold says.

"So honey, how's school been lately?" Her mother says in a curious tone. "Meh, it's been alright, we have a writing project on Sky Dragons and Sea dragons, I think I'm doing mine on Sky Dragons, we have a biology project too, and even a medicine class!" "Medicine? I never learned medicine till I was 19, you're learning it when you're only 15, that's impressive."

"Really mom?" Gold says, as she starts eating. "Imph toght yu wearned wen you ware yung" Gold says with a mouth full of food. "No dear, I learned when I was much older than you, so it's very impressive that you are learning now when you're only 15"

"Hmm" gold muses, "well, it's time for me to get going, love you mom, bye" "BYE HONEY." Her mom shouts as she runs out of the door.


"'yawn' ugh, morning already 'sigh'." He got up and did a cat like stretch. "Guess I should get going." Moss said as he jumped out the window. 

His wings shoot open with beautiful blue, navy, green, and light green as he shoots out of the rainforest with the speed of a Skywing. 

He reaches the normal forest and sniffs around for any 'prey' (adorable animals he wants to see) and he catches a whiff of something interesting, "scavenger, YAY, I've always wanted to meet one and now I CAN!" He says to no one as he bounds forward on somehow silent talons.

"'Snif, sniff, snifff' this way." He stalks forward, the scavenger is wearing a sack and walking towards what seems to be a camouflaged building, it has long brown hair, and beautiful, dragon like brown eyes, it's wearing green coverings with gold spots.

"Ooh, those look pretty, I like the gold," Moss thought to himself. He silently stalks around the scavenger, going unnoticed. He pokes the scavenger and it makes a loud "SQUARBLE" and gets into an odd stance with it's paws up in little fists. "Aww, how cute" moss thinks to himself.

The scavenger calms down and keeps walking towards the building. "Aww, I want to spend more time with it...her?" He thinks to himself. "Maybe, I could take it for today and return it tomorrow? That's a great idea, absolutely no one will worry about her, and she can say she was friends with a dragon. It's a win-win situation." He thinks to himself.

Moss reaches his talons out and grabs the scavenger. "SQUITTER, WARBLE, SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAK!!!" The scavenger yells in an ear piercing tone. "AAH, SHUT UP WILL YOU," Moss roars, the scavenger stops screaming and curls up into a ball as his scales shift back to his normal colors, no longer camouflaged.

"I think I'm gonna name you... Hmm, what should I name you, OOH, perfect name, I took inspiration from the gold around your coverings, your name is


His tongue flicks out and licks the scavenger, much to the scavengers horror. "You taste good, but unfortunately I'm not gonna eat you little thing, I couldn't imagine eating meat." He gives a dry heave and the scavenger looks mildly offended. "What, you want to be eaten?" Moss points to the scavenger and then his mouth, the scavenger screams and shakes her tiny little paws.

"No eating, got it" he says. He points to the scavenger, his mouth, and shakes his claw back and forth, the scavenger seems to relax a bit.

-Back home 


"YOU LET ME GO DRAGON, I WILL NOT BE EATEN LIKE MY FATHER" Gold shouts. The dragon ignores her and she starts crying softly, remembering how her father, Oak has supposedly been eaten by dragons while scouting.

The only thing there was an arrow and talon prints, everyone was sure it had happened, and she was too.

The dragon looks down at her and licks her again, seemingly trying to comfort her. "EUGH, STOP IT YOU MASSIVE DUNG BEETLE" She yells up at the dragon.

The dragon sets her down and points to a rock with moss on it, then to itself. "Moss? Is this dumb, green reptile trying to tell me it's name?" She wonders. The dragon points to the moss and growls. "Moss, hmm, GROWLF" She says, trying to imitate what the dragon said. "GROW GRORGLE GRURG" The dragon yells, excited sounding. 

"Ok, so your name is moss, hmm" she pointed at the gold in her dress and says "Gold." The dragon makes a questioning growl and says "Dold" She bursts into laughter and the dragon looks annoyed. "I didn't piss this thing off, right" she says, nervous. "Gold" she says again. "Gold" the dragon says. "YES, THAT'S IT!" The dragon seems equally delighted, and looks out the window, noticing it's getting dark. He scoops her up, to much yelling from her, and lays down in a hammok. "By all then moons is this thing a moons forsaken HAMMOCK!??" The dragon curls up on its side and places her against it's warm underbelly. It wraps it's wings around itself, and her, and falls asleep with one, earth rattling "SNORE" and goes silent.

"Good night big guy, you're not so bad, I guess" she says before falling asleep too"

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