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The amount of tension between me and David last night must of turned him on cause next thing I knew, we was up under each other watching the stars talking about life. We really got to know each other on a deeper level. I liked it. But now it's back to business. David said that our son is in New York. So today we'll be traveling to New York looking for him. I'm so excited. My face is glowing. My temper is cool. I'm at peace that I finally talk to David about our past. It's time to face the future.

"You got everything?"david ask while packing the rental car up.

I open the passenger side door putting my purse and phone in. "Yeah. That's everything" I nodded my head. I hop in the car sighing heavily praying to god that we'll see my son soon.

The driver door swung open revealing David as he tried to fix his shirt and pants. 'What the fuck?' I shook my head looking back down my phone. "Ight let's go"

The car ride on the way to New York was quiet. Nothing was said. I don't know if he's thinking about what to do next or where can he be. "You okay?"I ask David.

"Yeah just nervous"David answered turning the music up a bit. 'Just leave him alone' I close my eyes leaning back in my seat yawning. 40 minutes later, David tap me saying we were at the hotel.

The outside looked nice and suitable. I open the door hopping out the car looking at the buildings around us. Nothing but buildings. 'My baby was raised in the Big Apple' I wanted to cry cause I finally know where my baby went.

We made it to the hotel room less than a minute. I guess David booked the rooms before we got here. "Soooo what's next?"I ask.

"Just sit and wait for a call"David laid back in the bed closing his eyes. 'I know this nigga ain't going to sleep' I just shook my head and grab my phone leaving the hotel room. I'm going to explore.


The amount of people in this city is crazy. Every time I look over my shoulder, there's 20 people next to me and 100 behind me. Damn I miss the south. I visit the twin towers memorial, some stores, and I ate chopped cheese sandwich. Pretty good. But now it's time for me to go back to the hotel. He should be up by now.

As I walk to the door of the hotel, I seen David baby momma Tanya walking out the door holding a bag. "Oh you're here"she looked surprised once she saw me. "I was wondering where you were when I went up to the room to check on David"

"Yeah I went walk around New York, exploring"I smiled. "Umm you remember you told me the other day that you wanted to talk to me about something"

"Uhhhhh. Yeah"she nodded her head looking around. I guess for David.

"Look we can talk at this coffee shop down the street if you don't want him in your presence"I said.

"Okay"she rubbed her stomach proceeding to walk with me to the coffee shop.


"I still can't believe you with David after everything he cause"Tanya giggled a little. "I love David, I really do but he's not for me"

"But y'all having a baby together so what's the problem?"i questioned.

"David likes his freedom and he loves to go and party while I'm at home taking care of things and I'm just tired of it"Tanya complained. "So if he goes fuck another girl, so be it. I'm surprise y'all not together"

"Hell no. David ain't my type"is he? I mean I don't like him like I use to but he is fine as hell.

"Stop lying to yourself"Tanya laughed. "You like him"she sip on her coffee for a bit and began. "I really wanted to tell you about David and his secret"

"What's the secret?"i sat up straight waiting on Tanya to tell me.

Tanya rubbed her face and sigh. "David been keep your child in New York since he was born till now. He didn't want to bring you down here cause he wanted to keep Dion safe from you and your mom"

I just wanted to scream. Why?!! Just why!! Kept me running around like a loose chicken just so I won't get closer to my son. "H-His name is Dion?"I cried.

Tanya nodded her head. "We rename him once he came to New York. Please don't be mad at David, he was just trying to keep him safe and have a nice family after your mother said she didn't want you with him. He felt bad and didn't want the Dion in the system"

I didn't know how to feel right now. Should I stay mad at David? Or just be happy that he had our son this whole time but didn't TELL me at all. That's why I'm super pissed off.

He could have just told me the truth.


𝒚𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 5 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒆𝒇𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉.

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