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Hit girl eyes the building and turns her head staring down the sign. She reads it and frowns thinking to herself "great karate.."

She enters the karate dojo and eyes the room around her seeing that it is lit. she stops seeing a bunch of people rush out in all black and hears a voice "you're the famous one?"

A man in all black stands behind a large group of men as he laughs "what is the name again?"

Hit girl turns her head eyeing over the large group and the man laughs "do they let you have a name now?"

One of the men runs forward and hit girl flips the man on his back punching him quickly in the face. The man in back laughs and motions forward "show her who we are."

Two more men run forward and Hit girl turns her head smiling "I can handle this."

The man in back laughs "then you do that."

A man punches out but Hit girl blocks and another tries to hit her in the face. She steps back dodging the hit and hears a voice yell "more, more...."

More men run into the room and hit girl turns her head whispering "oh fuck..." She dodges a punch and slowly brings out her staff releasing it as the blades pop out. She smiles and swings it knocking one person to the floor and jabbing back killing the other. She dodges another person running forward and smiles to herself as she eyes the man in back and runs directly for him laughing as she pushes her blade forward into the man's gut. Everyone in the room grows quiet, stepping away from her and the man she has her staff jabbed into. The man looks around the room at his men and smiles as he looks up whispering "I am finally at peace.." She pulls out her staff and the man falls forward dead. She steps back and looks behind her, eyeing a few men entering the room. They are dressed in all black and one slowly walks up beside her nodding down "good work." He reaches down grabbing the necklace off the man and nods back to Hit girl "don't worry. We are always watching."

The man glances back and takes a breath in "there is about to be a slaughter Mindy. I recommend not staying around."

She walks behind the man hearing the screams and gunshots go off and exits the karate dojo. She stops eyeing the black car and the man nods back to her "have a nice night."

The car drives off and Hit girl turns eyeing her bike. She gets on it and stares down, eyeing the picture of her family and hears a voice "you good?" She turns her head and the old lady nods to her "you good?"

Mindy sits up breathing heavily and hears her husband "nightmares already?"

"No." She lies and he turns his head seeing his wife "I heard you screaming. How bad is it?"

"A lot of people were killed."

"It's happening." He laughs and reaches for a drink next to his bed as he asks her "want a sip? It's imported."

She grabs the drink and downs the rest as he sits up frowning "I said a sip."

"I need it more right now." she hands him back the empty glass and he places it down next to him as he asks her "how many people?"

"Too many."

"I'll ask again, do you want my help out of it?"

"No you shouldn't get involved."

"really? " He turns his head and she looks him over "don't say that word."

"Okay..." He remains quiet and asks "do you want to talk about?"

"How many people have you killed Bash?"

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