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The mayor feels his head pressed to the desk and hears a voice "I need you to file that report with the police commissioner."

"Doesn't. doesn't the Carmello's already own the police."

"The commissioner is a hard guy to reach a notice coming from the mayor works better."

The mayor is pulled back and tis in his chair as Bash leans against the desk staring the mayor down demanding "start typing..."

He places his hands on the keys and bash nods to them smiling as the mayor starts to type.


The police commissioner sits at his desk and turns his head reading the report as he shakes his head crumbling it up "that slimy peace of shit..."

"What wrong?" another officer asks, and he looks up "you believe this shit? it even smells like them" The commissioner sniffs the crumbled-up paper and tosses it in the garbage can to his right as the officer asks him "so what are you planning to do."

The commissioner leans forward "it's the mayor, he is always a bit sleezy, but this report will mean-"

"Bad or good things boss?" The man across from the commissioner says and the commissioner sits back eyeing the man over responding, "I haven't decided yet."

"Well, we better make a choice."

Mindy sits up staring at the hit girl outfit and turns her head hearing a voice from her past but flinches feeling a hand on her shoulder she looks up eyeing her elder daughter and nods to her heating her daughter ask, "can I have the keys?"

"You can drive now?"

"I can manage to drive."

"But did you pass your test..."

"Mom I can drive." Her daughter tells her, and she looks over her daughter and waves her away "good try."

"Mom...I just need to go somewhere."

"Then walk."

"I. I'll call a friend."

"What friend?"

Scarlett turns her head eyeing her mother "why do you and dad always ask things like your paranoid?"

"I am not paranoid I just want to know who this friend is."

"He said the same thing."

"You spoke to your dad?"


Mindy turns her head "he's home?"


Bash turns his head hearing a voice "that is not good. why did we do this during the day."

"It was fine."

"You just blew up their van."


"I think he is a soccer coach."

"Not anymore..."

Albert walks out eyeing his van and turns back eyeing Bash down the block he goes to walk forward, and bash gives him the middle finger as Paulie steps in front of him "you two are grown men."

"This needed to be settled."

"So, you blew up his van?"

"I did." Bash keeps his middle finger raised and Albert stands there eying his van on fire as he yells "honey! call the Viking!"

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