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Hazel and Jesse both followed Twobit into the house. And he was right. It was very quiet. Not the good quiet. The bad quiet. "Hey Hazel, how are ya doing?" Darry asked as he walked up to the two girls, "I should be asking you that," Hazel said.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me," Darry said with an obvious fake smile, "Okay, well, if you need me, you already have my grandpa's number," Hazel said, "He just want to look tough," Sodapop said, "I can see that," Hazel said, then she looked at Jesse, "You can sit if you like," Hazel said, "I'm okay with standing," Jesse said smiling.

"Surprised that you even walked here with your ankle," Dallas said, "Why? Did you want to carry me again?" Hazel said, not even smiling, "So, wild stuff happened last night," Steve said, "Yeah, that's basically why we're here," Hazel stated, "Who was the kid again?" Sodapop asked.

"Bob Sheldon, he was also the guy that sprained Hazel's ankle," Jesse said, "That's what happened?!" Darry said, "Okay, it was my fault, I was in the way of the road-" "Hazel, the guy's dead, I don't think they're gonna do anything about it now," Jesse said as she sat on the couch.

"So I was right, it was that kid," Dallas said, "Okay, can you guys just drop it? Bob's dead now, therefore y'all don't need to worry about anything," Hazel said, "Actually, since Johnny killed that kid, the socs have been on us for the entire day," Twobit said, "Obviously since the fucking main guy got killed," Hazel said.

"Language, and also, that Cherry girl has been a little spy for us, she's on our side with this whole thing," Darry said, "You sure about that? It's Cherry, she's definitely a spy for the socs also," Hazel said, "Yeah, she's two faced, same with Silver," Jesse said, "Yeah, but I dealt with her last night," Hazel said.

"What do you mean you dealt with her?" Dallas asked, "After you came along to save me from the socs last night at the theatre and I left, little miss goodie two shoes tried to make me friends with her again after screaming in my face, so I rocked her shit," Hazel said.

"What do you mean?" Steve asked, "I punched her across the face? What else would I mean?" Hazel said, "Okay, Steve and Soda, you two need to go to work, and I don't care what anyone else does, just don't make this house a mess while we're working, okay?" Darry said, "Yeah don't worry," everyone said as Darry, Steve and Soda left.

"So now what do you want to do?" Hazel asked Jesse, "I don't know, I actually might just go home, my mom is making me grilled cheese for lunch," Jesse said standing up and heading to the door, "Alright, call me later," Hazel said as Jesse left.

"So, what are your guy's plans today?" Hazel asked Dallas and Twobit, "Nothing really, it's hard without Pony and Johnny," Twobit said. Dallas didn't look amused with the fact that Ponyboy and Johnny were gone, he acted like he didn't even care. "I mean, I never really spoke with Ponyboy, but I could imagine what it's like without the either of them," Hazel said, trying to make Twobit feel a bit better.

"Yeah, I'm just hoping they'll be back, I'm gonna go home, see you two later," Twobit said as he left. Hazel sat on the couch and rolled up her jeans to look at her ankle, "Still hurting?" Dallas asked, "No! It feels like unicorns sliding down rainbows... Yes Dal! Of course I'm still hurting," Hazel said in a stern voice.

"Woah, what the fuck did I do to you?" Dallas said as he sat next to Hazel, "A lot," Hazel said, "I meant, have I ever physically hurt you before?" Dallas asked, "No, you're right, I'm sorry. I'm just mad because my ankle is still busted, it's fucking hot outside, and I lost a friend that I actually thought was nice," Hazel said.

"Can I be honest with you, I never liked that Silver girl, she was very mean," Dallas said, "And you're not?" Hazel pointed out, making Dallas laugh a bit, "Okay, you got me there, but I would never scream in your face like she did," "You have yelled in my face before," "Yeah, but that's when you were always picking on me, so you're also not a ray of sunshine."

"I know I'm not, never have been, but I don't scream in people's face just to get validation from my older cousin," Hazel said, making Dallas smile, "Y'know, I'm surprised that we don't get along that much," "Because you're an asshole Dal," Hazel said raising her eyebrow/

"I'm only an asshole when I wanna be," Dallas said, "So you just wanna jump little kids?" "Man, you must be fun at parties," Dallas said with his smile dropping, "I'm sorry, I'm just trying to pick on you again," Hazel said proudly, "Well it's definitely working," Dallas said, copying Hazel's voice.

"Why aren't you this nice to me? You're always an asshole to me," Hazel pointed out, "I try to act cool in front of the guys, I did the same thing to Silvia when we were dating," "Oh yeah, and she cheated on you, maybe that's a sign to stop being a dick," Hazel said with a cocky smile, "Haha, very funny," Dallas laughed sarcastically.

"No, I'm being serious! Maybe girls would actually like you if you were nice. Like no jumping kids, or anyone for that matter! Kinda getting lame now," Hazel said, "Is that what you want?" Dallas said, "Well not just me, but I'm talking about everyone," "Alright, I can try to "change," but only if you do one thing for me."

"God, I'm not getting you anything, my ankle is literally killing me-" "No, not that. not that at all, something else to prove that I can, y'know, change," Dallas said, "Okay, then what?"

"Date me."


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