The Seventh Curse - Unexpected Results

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The events from the latest timeline Mikey leaped to was not something that he expected. Usually, things always get messy or miserable, and it actually did, however there was a twist in the end. He still killed someone, though, that never changes every time the Three Deities era would occur again after time leaping.

That twist was something that made him delighted from going back to the current timeline, he was excited to see her again — breathing and lively. Mikey had hoped for a future where he could go back in her arms, hugging the lass as if there's no more time in the world. Maybe he might be excessive on unintentional spoiling towards Senju.

During those continuous time leaps, he dreamed that someday he'd be able to achieve a future where Senju is in it. If he can't and won't be able to, then he'd do anything and go back to square one just to let the love of his life be together with him. Maybe this time, they'd cook together, write that cooking book for their future kids, and probably get married for the second time because he wants to relish the moment he puts a ring to Senju's finger as a symbol of their union.

Perhaps thinking of those thoughts made the blond lad perceive the feeling of pure happiness after months of brief sadness. Going back to the future didn't seem like anything had changed, he woke up with a weak groan as if he slept in a bad sleeping position. After blinking for three times, a small range of headache swarmed in his head as he rubbed his temples.

Mikey having migraines isn't much of a normal occurrence since the guy is pretty much laid back in his ordinary state. He'll ask for a painkiller later, he guessed. A chill breezed through, most likely due to the set temperature of the air conditioner right now. He recalled that Senju loves a cold room because it reminded her of the winter season.

Like her physical appearance, she usually does a snow angel along with him. Giggling and sighing dreamily that the snowflakes fell down at the tip of her nose and Mikey would kiss it as a replacement. Oh, what a sweet memory, isn't it? On top of that, her competitive side shows up whenever they establish a snowball fight whilst creating a budget igloo and claiming it their territory.

At first, he didn't mind the surroundings around him since the man was busily daydreaming about his wife. He didn't bother getting up from his bed– no– from a foamy leather couch. That fact itself made him get a little bit aware, nevertheless he kept his cool instead and tried to not surge this deeply or he'll get stressed the moment he goes back from his timeline. After all, nothing changed right? Mikey was highly positive of it, at least he wants it to be like that. He was about to get up from his leather sofa bed but he heard someone going inside of the room – speaking about it, where is he anyway? Mikey slightly lifted his head and relied on his fast eyesight to scan the entire room. Papers, file cabinets, huge stacked piles of documents that were neatly organised, two-sided panels of a cork board and whiteboard...

He knew exactly where he was right now. The voice started to get louder as he heard the door closed. Apparently, it seemed that the topic wasn't something that Mikey is aware of. Probably that the detective has a client on a phone call. Yeah, that could be it. He pretended to sleep, closing his eyes and all, and tended to stay still in his sleeping position.

The brunette on the call shuffled through the file cabinet, positioning his device on his shoulder to let it hold for him. Mikey didn't want to eavesdrop on the conversation but it can't be avoided. "Listen, I'm a detective not a lawyer. I'm not supposed to handle their papers but here I am."

Naoto closed the cabinet, finally finished finding the file he needed. "There are a lot of 'em, that's right."

"You've gotten too deep on my personal info." He sat on his rolling chair, "I applied as a detective. As far as I know, I do not have any authority to become their personal lawyer for this certain case. Plus, even if I am, the case isn't my forte to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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