~Unwarranted jealousy~

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A few weeks later and Gemma's fair was coming near, Mileena was coming through the hall from her dorm. She had just showered and her hair was nice and fresh curls bounced down her back. She was wearing a white wrap top with blue and green flowers. It stopped right under her breast, her high waisted white skirt meant that her toned midriff showed. Wearing this she really did look like a trained fighter- what she was but what people didn't know.

She was an assassin since the age of 13 but no one needed to know that. Jennifer trained her daughter well. However, her emotions always got the better of her, meaning people thought she was just a weak little girl.

She walked down the hallway with a smile, she had been getting more confident recently, the men picked up on this and it pleased Jax to know that his cousin was settling in. The majority of the boys were always out during the day, something about revenge? Mileena knew not to pry but Jax did tell her they'll avenge her mother. She didn't think anything of it considering they're in Charming now. What could they be planning?

As the boys would be off on runs or doing "club business" it meant that she was lumped with Juice and Half-sac. She'd befriended them, them two were silly and fun. It also benefited her because she hasn't seen Happy since his cold outburst in the garage. She's grateful for that. Ever since, the men watching over her at night has been Chibs, Tig and Juice. Jax didn't trust any prospects with her of course. Reason why Jax himself hadn't gone on 'night watch' was because of Abel and Tara. Opie was at Donna's home with his two children and Clay? Is that really even a question?

She became accustomed to Tigs flirty nature and just ignores his attempts while they are alone in her room. He always ends up sleeping first anyways. The nightmares haven't stopped. She wonders why she can't calm down. But she keeps it to herself, not wanting to burden them anymore.

Mileena had wondered why Happy hadn't taken a turn yet and the thought alone begrudgingly hurt her. She didn't know why but all she could dismiss it as, was a fleeting crush. It shouldn't matter if he's fucking a whore next door. Right ? She hadn't heard anything but then again, men will be men.

She smiled as she walked into the main room, half-sac was at the bar serving a few nomads. Mileena chuckled as she skipped towards the bar stool.

"Hey sac!" She grinned as she placed her face in her hands. The prospect just sighed in response to the nickname before returning the smile to the girl he'd grown closer with.

"Whatcha want?" He pointed at the drinks behind him, throwing a rag over his shoulder.

"Apple juice!"

Half- sac made a disgusted face at her choice before going into the kitchen to get her some. She began to drum her fingers on the countertop, staring into space. The few nomads and crow eaters were dotted around. They'd became use to her presence. They still disliked her but knew they couldn't mess with her. She had heard there was going to be another party tonight and it made her roll her eyes.

"Hey Mileena!!" Juice yelled as he came through the door holding his laptop. His face adorned a wide smile as he approached her.

"Hey juicey!" She smiled before standing up to greet him. He placed his laptop down and began to dance with Mileena. The quiet song playing in the background completely opposite to the loud beat you'd hear in the night. She began to laugh as Juice spun her around, her skirt flowing in the air. The two danced like it was a ritual. She'd go to Juice for anything. He was her go to. He tried his best on his night watch but still always fell asleep before her. She found him to be a cute brotherly figure.

"Hate to break up the love story" a deep voice grumbled. Clay walked into the room with an aura that screamed power. His gruff look scaring both Mileena and Juice. He still had a hold of her waist as their smiles were replaced with frowns. The whole lot of the men were standing behind Clay. Jax smiling at the two. Chibs and Bobby sat down at the bar laughing at the pair who'd been caught.

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