Chapter Thirty Two

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Hey everyone! So, I know I said I would update this before the end of June, but I got a little busy and addicted to watching "Arrow". A few of the actors will be going to DragonCon this year and I need to be caught up so I can meet them and go to the panels! I am not done with show. I am halfway through season 2!

Yes, this is the last chapter of the story. It has been a long journey. This story was first posted in April 2010 and now five years later, it is finally complete! Yay! Thank you to all of you who have read/commented on this story, followed me and/or added this story to their favorites list! I never in a million years expected this story to be as popular as it was!

Here is the last chapter of the story; Enjoy:

Tristan and I were lying together in the bed as we waited for Abigail to return. I was too afraid to move or talk since there was a part of me (the part that was probably a little paranoid) that was worried that any sudden movements would cause Christophe to take over my body again.

Tristan had pulled me against his chest and was busy running his hands through my hair when Abigail returned with a young blonde girl who could be no older than sixteen. The moment she caught sight of me lying on the bed, her eyes widened. That was sign enough that she obviously noticed something about me that gave way to what, or really, who was trying to possess my body.

Tristan moved to stand up, but I grabbed his hand and yanked him back down.

"You're not allowed to leave my side."

He raised an eyebrow, "Aw... are you scared?"

I glared at him, "No, just wary. The last witch I met ended up being the reason I got into your psycho brother's hands in the first place. I blame them for my current situation."

I watched Chloe suspiciously as she approached where I lay on the bed.

Chloe seemed to notice my apprehension and stopped halfway to the bed, "I can tell that you are apprehensive..."

"No shit," I said quickly before I could stop myself, "Sorry... that was rude. I just, well, the last and only witch I met ended up pushing me straight to Christophe, so excuse me if I am a little apprehensive of you."

"I am sorry to hear that," Chloe said, "But you should know that I have no ill intentions towards you; I just want to help you." she smiled reassuringly at me.

I felt Tristan's mouth near my ear, "I also told her that if anything happened to you that she would have to pay for it."

I turned to glare at him, "What?!" I asked, "You threatened her just so she would help me?"

"No, she offered to help when I told her what was going on." he replied, "I told her that if she hurt you in any way and couldn't fix the damage she would have to pay with her life."

I just stared at him for a few minutes; not really knowing what to say to that really. "I guess love doesn't change the psycho part of you, does it?"

His look turned serious, "Not when it involves you and your safety it doesn't."

I just kept staring at him as I didn't know what else to do really. I certainly didn't know how to respond to him. The typical "oh, that's so sweet!" wouldn't really work here. Luckily, Chloe chose that moment to clear her throat awkwardly which brought both of our attention back to her.

"I am going to do the best that I can to help you and in order to do that Tristan has to step away in order to give me enough space." she looked pointedly at our hands which were still practically glued together.

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