Chapter Twenty Seven

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Hey everyone! I am so sorry for this late update! But please don’t hate me for it! I have been busy and writer’s block has been the biggest pain in the ass. I spend most of my days subbing and then I come home and work out for a couple of hours. I actually just finished Jillian Micheal’s 30-day shred. Work out kicked my butt, but I did see results so it was worth it! I only have a few hours each night to devote to writing now. Anyway, you guys are seriously awesome for being able to put up with my lack of regular updating! :)

I am currently sick and just want to lie down, but I’ve kept you guys waiting long enough for an update, so here it is (plus, I promised this would be posted by tonight and I don't want to let you guys down). 

I’m pretty sure this is the longest chapter I’ve ever written; it’s 19 pages in Word and 8,401 words! I’m not happy with some parts of it, but it’ll do for now.

Oh, and I can I just say how amazed I am that this story still gets a lot of reads even when I take months to update?! Seriously, you guys are just awesome! :)

Song Choice: Clarity by Zedd

I regained consciousness slowly. Getting a good idea about my surroundings before I opened my eyes. I was laying on something extremely soft, so soft that I could feel each individual fiber stitched together. It was so quiet that I could hear the soft fluttering of an insect that was flying around the room. However, it wasn’t those two things that concerned me really or made me think that something was very wrong. No, it was the fact that I wasn’t breathing.

What. The. Hell.

I jerked up when I realized my chest wasn’t moving up and down. How the hell was that possible? How could I be alive without my heart beating?

I ran my hands over my chest, as if I could press a magic button that could make my heart beat again. I really started to panic when that yielded no results. I screamed when hands shot out to force my hands back at my sides. They were small and feminine so I immediately knew they weren’t Tristan’s.

“Calm down, Jessica.” Abigail ordered as she forcefully pushed me back down on the bed, “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

I was freaking out… I had no heartbeat. There was something wrong with that. You didn’t just wake up without a heartbeat. That’s just not possible.

“What the hell happened?” I asked, realizing that I didn’t really remember what had gotten me to this point in the first place.

I glared at Abigail when she didn’t reply, “What. Happened. To. Me.” I gritted through my teeth, “I have the fucking right to know.”

“You, well…” she looked really uncomfortable, “You kind of…well, you kind of died, Jessica.”

I was left speechless for at least a minute or two.

“I – I – what? How can I be – oh,” I realized the answer before I could even finish asking the question. I cursed, “Tristan changed me, didn’t he?” I asked; though, I don’t know why I did since I already knew the answer. Abigail’s facial expression also confirmed my suspicions, “That bastard! How dare he!? How fucking dare he?! I’m going to kill him for this,” I spat, “I’m going to rip his fucking head off.” How strongly I felt about actually doing that scared me.

“Jessica!” Abigail gasped.

I glared at her, “He turned me into a vampire, into what he is, Abigail. I didn’t want to be like him ever. I told him that every time he brought it up! He’s a monster.” I said, “I can’t be a vampire. I –I just can’t be! I can’t kill people for food and I sure as hell can’t drink blood; the thought of doing either of those things make me want to throw up.”

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