Chapter 15

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Looking into that once jolly face and seeing nothing but pain and sorrow, was not only depressing but heart-breaking. I grabbed a nice cup of tea from the lovely Tuck and sat across from the miserable looking man, next to a small window.
“I have seen your animals this morning.” I started, looking down at my steaming cup “They look fine, healthy and not at all stressed. We will be there in no time.”
“There.” Emilio snorted, still looking out the window “I suddenly got old therefore I cannot choose my life path? Do my children need to take care for me like I’m an infant? Do I not know how to protect myself?!”
“You do.” I assured him with a sigh, taking his hand and patting it over the wooden table “But even you have to admit, Emilio, that it would be suicide to get into that fight. Even you cannot be that stubborn” I finish, with a soft side smile.
He grunted something under his breath but did not comment. I took a sip of the nice herbal tea, leaned back into the chair and caressed my soft bump.
“Your children worry about you, they do not want to see their father die for the sake of a deserted plot of land in the middle of the ocean. Now” I put a hand up before he would argue “I understand that is your home, but home, Emilio… is where all you love is at, not a specific place. Home will be where your children will be able to see you live the rest of your life in peace.”
“The boy did a number on you, did he not?” He snorted with a grin, which made me blush “Something very curious, the two of you are…”
“Papa, you’ve been an eremite for too long. This is not how we speak to pretty young ladies.”
I looked up as this tall and tanned brunette sat across from me, patting Emilio’s back. He had a massive white grin, brown wavy hair tied in a short tie at his nape. He was quite tall, lean and strong, with dark brown eyes and dimples on his cheeks. He was what I imagined a young Emilio would've looked like - a complete heartbreaker.
“My son, Decio.” Emilio grunted, jerking a thumb at the man “And Miss Sh-“
“Rose.” I interrupted, shaking Decio’s hand “Lovely to meet you. I’ll give you two some time alone. Emilio” I called, getting up with my tea “just enjoy the trip. I understand you are stressed about the future, but so am I. We have to ride the storm, and meet safely on the other end.”
He gave me a quick smile and a wink, patting my hand once I reached out to his. I left the small kitchen with my tea, but heard Decio whispering something to his dad, in Spanish, something like asking him who I was. I laughed to myself as I heard Emilio cursing in very colourful ways, ignoring his question.
The day was beautiful, calm with a nice breeze, beautiful sun and barely any clouds. The Hound was different, these days. Hunter had lost over half his crew due to his change in direction – understandably, many of the men wished not for a life in a new wild land, to settle down and have a family. He paid them their dues, and they went off on new adventures. In a way, that made me smile. I hoped Simon was one of them, even if in spirit – I would hate to know my brother was trapped in a Limbo of some sort, lost and alone still finding his way home - wherever that was for him.
I sighed at that and closed my eyes, setting my cup over the balustrade. My dear, dear brother… my young little one… I caressed my belly and prayed he would watch over mine and Hunter’s baby, as the wonderful funny uncle he would likely have been.
“I reiterate what I said: you do look like a mermaid.”
I smiled, still my eyes closed, and chuckled as he put his hand around my waist and kissed the top of my head. I leaned onto his shoulder and sighed.
“Soon to be a big whale.” I chuckled, looking up into his warm blue eyes.
How I ever thought his eyes were cold and pitch black, I will never know. His were old and brave eyes, full of feelings, worries, pain and sorrows.
“I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into…” I nearly whispered, feeling my throat rasp with emotion.
“This again?” He sighed, rolling his eyes; I had never seen him roll his eyes, it was actually quite sweet “Stop being so unsure of me. I risked many of these people’s lives, and my own, to get you back. Now, have your tea” He tapped the cup on the balustrade with a wink of his blue eye “and enjoy some fresh air. You should go have a rest in our chambers, and I’ll take you some food. Actually, I will join you” He added, looking from over his shoulder at the quarterdeck “after I take care of a couple bits with Dorsey.”
“Go do your thing.” I smiled, getting my tea cup “I’ll see you in a bit.”
He smiled and winked at me, leaving to join Mr. Dorsey in the quarterdeck. Dinner together would be lovely; quiet and warm by the fireplace, and snuggling in the big armchair, enjoying the closeness and warmth of the father of my child. May the heavens allow us this happiness and closeness until the end of our days.
“To know the thoughts in a pretty woman’s head!”
I looked over my shoulder to see Decio grinning at me and joining me by the balustrade.
“And to be the reason why she smiles!” He put a hand over his heart, being overly sentimental which made me laugh a bit “My apologies, senora.” He chuckled himself “I wanted to thank you for trying to get my grumpy father to smile and be hopeful. The trip is taking a toll on him…”
“Emilio is a dear acquaintance, and I hope a close friend someday.” I shrugged, sipping more tea “He will be fine. He has you and your siblings to look after him, I would assume… grandchildren as well?”
“Ah, yes, our brother Alejandro has three little ninos. They will be excited to finally meet their grandpa.” Decio smiled “So, what is such a pretty little thing like you doing getting tangled with these pirates, on such a dangerous journey?”
“Oh…!” I chuckled, shrugging “It’s a very long story, honestly.”
“We have plenty of time, preciosa.” Decio shrugged, leaning his back into the balustrade and grinning his gorgeous big smile; I crocked a brow at his debauchery “Running from an arranged marriage? Debt? Difficult family?”
He wasn’t far off, in all truth.
“Have you ever been that far off the Empire?” He asked, before I could even reply to any of his previous questions.
“No, I must say I haven’t.” I had to admit, shrugging “It will definitely be an adventure for me.”
I looked from over my shoulder as I heard Hunter’s voice ordering men around, from the quarterdeck. I smiled at his frown – he was always frowning, always preoccupied. Caressing my belly, I hoped myself and our baby could bring more smiles and less worry from now on.
“What a beast of a man, hey?” Decio snorted, looking at Hunter as well “Such anger and emptiness in those eyes. Cold bastardo, hey?”
I frowned deeply, looking back at him.
“Have you met Captain Grey before?”
“Ah, no!” He shrugged “My sister and Alejandro have, not me though; but I have spent a few days in this damn boat with the man and I can honestly say, I have never met a stranger creature in my whole life.”
“Captain Grey is an honourable man.” I tossed, frowning “He is an… acquired taste, I will concede that, but no less of a good honourable man.”
“Milady, acquired taste is a big understatement.” He grinned, jerking his chin back at the Captain “I bet you he is trying to guess what we are discussing.”
I frowned and followed Decio’s frin. I saw Hunter squinting his beautiful eyes our way. Oh, no… could he hear Decio? Of course not, you silly girl…
“Uh… just looking at that face… the stuff of nightmares…!” Decio winced, as Hunter came down the stairs and walked our way, with a brisk in his pace and a bit of a ragged breath “Don’t worry, he likes to look scary and mean, but in reality I would probably end him in a skirmish!”
“I very much doubt that.” I had to snort, as Hunter joined us “Are you all sorted?” I asked Hunter, as he stood next to the two of us with a big frown and sharp eyes; his ice cold stare did not leave Decio.
“Yes” He spit out, not taking his eyes off a confused Decio.
“Wonderful passengers you have, Captain.” Decio grinned, and he winked at me; I held in my laugh and prayed Hunter would not punch the poor reckless boy “Turanga sure needs new blood, and Miss Rose will be quite the sweet addition!”
I tilted a brow and the overly sweetness of his flirtatious advances made me want to gag. Hunter’s scars got so red they were turning purple. That made me realise that jealousy on a man that had just had his first meaningful connection, used to get everything that he wanted and just take it no questions asked… not a great thing to witness – I had to step in before this turned messy.
“Yes, thank you Mr… Decio, was it?” I frowned, patting my head and chuckling “Oh, dear me… this pregnant woman's brain sure is true…!” I smiled up at Hunter, even though he would not take his eyes off Decio “Darling, I need to sit a bit, my feet are killing me. Would you be able to ask Tuck to take dinner to our chambers? Actually, would you join me there?”
He finally took a deep breath and looked down at me, some of the anger dissipating a bit as he nodded and tried to smile a bit. Hunter said not another word, merely put his hand on my waist and kissed the top of my head gently, as he always did – not a show off, and I loved that about him. He didn’t have to devour me in front of little Decio to show what I meant to him – he did not treat me as his property and… that was refreshing.
“Ah…” Decio snorted “It appears that I put my foot in my mouth, again…”
“In all honesty, I could have stopped you.” I smiled a bit, taking my empty cup “I just had no idea you did not know… well, that Hunter and I…” I blushed a bit and frowned.
“Right!” Decio smiled, rubbing his hair, embarrassed “I do apologise for my incessant flirting, I meant absolutely no harm. Just pretty girls always get to me.”
He made me laugh a bit at that last comment, just as I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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