Chapter 2

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I was floating... my hair was all over my face, and my dress was so heavy I told myself once Simon and I had a place of our own, I was never buying big and puffy dresses like that again. I frowned as a sudden thought assaulted me: where were we? I blinked and began to hear and smell again. The sea, I could smell the sea and I could hear the wind, men and some sort of music.

When I opened my eyes, I gasped and screamed. I was hanging overboard – as in actually hanging on a plank, mere feet from hitting the cold ocean. My arms and legs were tied to the plank, and I could barely move. I was shaking and my body ached all over, I couldn't see anything or anyone, apart from the bottom of the ship and the sea. It was probably the early hours of dawn, which meant if they had sailed immediately, we were a good few miles off the coast, by now.

"Well, well, well! Looks like the princess has awakened, lads!" A scruffy voice laughed, and I heard dozens of men following.

My plank was pulled up and I stood tall over the water. My whole body shook – I did know how to swim, but that didn't mean I would be able to swim God knows how many miles back to Jamaica, no one would!

They turned my plank so I would be facing them. There had to be at least thirty men on that ship. The redwood of the mast was pristine, as well as the white sails – everything looked perfectly neat and clean and almost new. The men were whistling at me and trying to pull the hems of my dress.

"Get off!" I yelled, unable to kick anyone as my legs were tied as well "Leave me! Get your hands off of me or I will stab you!"

"Well, let's see what she's got, shall we?!" The man that had spoken before, behind me, declared.

"What?" I whimpered and yelled as I fell from the plank – he had cut the ropes and let me fall flat on my face on the ship.

The men laughed and I grunted. Shit, that hurt! I looked up and grunted as they came around me with their swords, brooms and little daggers.

"C'mon, then!" I grunted, putting my fists up as Simon had shown me; they laughed even harder "Which one is first?!"

"I believe you would have to take them all at once, milady!" The man that cut my ropes tossed, and I looked from over my shoulder to see him elegantly jump off the balustrade to the ship "Name's Sylas, madam, at your service!" He actually bowed to me.

When he got up with a massive grin on his thin face, I pulled my fist back and punched him right on the nose. The men laughed as he swayed back and winced. I rubbed my fist and took a step back.

"You bloody cow!" He shrieked, touching his tender nose "Bloody hell, woman! You never attack a defenceless man!"

"Oh, please!" I snorted, my fists up again "You cut my ropes and I could've broken my-"

"Nail?" He interrupted with a grin.

"No, but I'll break your jaw if you come anywhere near me again!" I assured him tensely.

The men laughed even more, I could bet because they thought it was hilarious a woman in such a ridiculous dress would even dare to try and fight an experienced pirate.

"Now, where is my brother?" I grunted, looking around all the unfamiliar faces.

"This way, madam!" Sylas grinned and he bowed to show me my brother, still out cold.

There were ropes around his legs and hands as well, as he was secured to the mizzen mast.

"Simon!" I gasped, trying to run to him but being stopped by a strong hand.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Sylas tsked, shaking a finger in front of my face "Not so fast, milady. Little brother is still resting."

I pushed him away from me, but the other men wouldn't let me through and I would die before I would even touch their shadow.

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