Chapter 3

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I was able to come out of my seclusion in the early hours. The feeling of fresh air was priceless. The sun was out and the breeze was flowing generously, diming my queasiness. I hadn't seen Simon yet, and although I desperately wanted to know how he was doing, I didn't dare to talk to any of the heavily armed, mean and smelly pirates around.

The ship adequately named The Hound was home to some of the worst and feared pirates in the West Indies. Captain 'Maddog' Grey was a name people whispered with both fear and awe. He had single-handedly taken two Spaniard ships filled with food and riches, all in one night. They had not killed anyone, they came swiftly in tiny boats, silently. Some people say they pierced a big hole at the bottom of the ship and pulled all the riches and food out, others say they went through a window... there were so many different versions of the same stories that one couldn't believe any of them. Maybe it had been one ship, now that I think of it...

"Mornin', ma'am!"

I sneered at Mr. Dorsey. That big-bellied man was constantly smiling but one couldn't trust that – he was still a pirate.

"I've heard you are yet to have a single piece of food!" He pretended to be sad, showing me a piece of fruit, to which I swallowed hard; I was starving.

"I'm not hungry" I lied.

"C'mon!" He grinned, leaning into the balustrade by my side "Smart girl like you should take care of herself!"

"You literally have known me for twelve hours" I snapped, turning my head high and away from him.

"That still doesn't excuse you for not eating." He winked, setting the apple next to my hand "'Tis not poisoned, girl."

With that, he left me alone again. The men were busy around the ship and I had yet to spot the big ol' Cap. He annoyed me; he was mean, horrible looking, rude and just evil down to his bones! He had unlocked my door early in the morning and I had feared the worst. However, he did not open it; he left, and I hadn't seen him at all.

The view of the big blue sea around the West Indies was a sight. The sun was high and bright, the warmth caressed my skin, the smell of the ocean in the air was amazing. Even though this was not exactly how I planned my adventure with Simon to go down, I couldn't deny this definitely was an adventure.

"How long to Tortuga?" I asked as I saw the shadow of Mr. Dorsey coming back and set a can of water next to the fruit.

"Just three days, give or take."

That voice made me tense immediately. He had sneaked behind me and I had imagined it had been the smiling Mr. Dorsey to come back to force me to eat. But no, it was the Captain himself coming to crowd me.

"I want to see my brother" I tossed immediately, ignoring his offer for water.

"You should really eat and drink something." He advised, ignoring my demand "This heat, in the middle of the ocean? You will pass out if you don't take care of yourself."

"I will not eat nor drink until I will be allowed to see my brother" I tossed, my nose up in the air.

I waited for a few good seconds, as he turned silent. I heard his chuckle and feared for some sort of retaliation – none came. His big hand reached out to the metal flask of water, he tucked it inside his coat again and disappeared. I frowned. Was he trying to call my bluff? All right then! Now my momentum wouldn't be stopped! I would refuse to eat and drink until I was allowed to actually see and hug my brother. I could do this. No problem! Surely the Captain would realise his mistake and succumb to my demands! I was Roslynn Sherwood after all...!


Well, my plan was flawed from the start. It was late in the evening, the weather had turned from a toasty warm day to a freezing night. My mind was not sharp anymore, my body was tired, dehydrated and starving. I stood in my little corner of the ship, doing my silent protest. The waves were making me queasy, the thin piece of fabric I was able to wrap around my shoulders wouldn't shield me from the freezing air.

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