A Discussion of Suitors

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"You always have your nose in some novel, don't you?" a melodic voice called out from behind me. I turn in my chair to face the owner of the voice to see my older brother, Aerys, standing in the entryway.

The corners of my lips immediately lift into a grin. He says this as if he hasn't asked the same thing time and time again.

"Oh of course, dear brother. I'm always trying to deepen my knowledge on things like," I close the cover of the book slightly in order to read the title "the history of windmills."

Aerys' shakes his head in amusement as he starts walking toward where I'm standing.

He grabs the book from my hands and flips through it mindlessly, "I must send the maesters to purchase more interesting novels. If you have resorted to reading about topics such as windmills,our library must be quite drab."

The thought of having new books to read, new stories to discover makes me feel giddy. Reading has always been a form of escape for me. I received one too many scolding's from my septa's due to me reading rather than paying attention to my lessons. My father never minded when told of how my nose was always stuck between the pages.

My eyebrows raise at his words, " Is this a jest? Will you really send for new novels?"

Aerys scoffs, "Are you calling the king a liar?"

"No, but I might be calling my older brother one," my smile expands. I know he's enjoying teasing me; it's all lighthearted banter.

"I am telling the truth, however, I find myself bored of this conversation. Care to take a walk with me?" He holds his arm out and I take hold.  It feels as though he came to find me with some sort of intention. I just can't place my finger on it.

As we leave the library, we are closely followed by members of his Kingsguard. My own sworn shield, Ser Cedric Dayne, walks in line with them.

"So brother, there must be a reason you've sought me out today. If you don't mind me asking, what is it?"

He glances at me quickly and then looks away. This catches my attention, he usually doesn't hesitate like this.

Prodding him some more, I ask again. "You can tell me anything I promise."

"You know Rhaella and I adore you, we always want what's best for you," he swallows "now that you're getting older we thought it would be a good time to start setting up a match for you."

He and our sister are thinking of my... marriage? I always figured my mother would handle this after father passed. Though, with her practically being gone herself it makes sense why they would step up.

"Oh? Is that right?" I manage to get out in a clipped tone.  To be truthful, marriage is the last thing on my mind. Getting to know someone on that level feels like it would be more exhausting than it's worth. Having to interact with someone everyday for hours on end sounds like my personal hell.

Suddenly the dirt on the cobblestones seems more interesting than this conversation.

"I know this comes as a surprise but it is something that would have come up eventually. Plus, you would be doing your duty as a princess of the realm. We have a few suitors in mind, if you'd care to hear?"

My mind racks itself thinking of all the available young lords. Tully, Baratheon, Lannister, and a few of the minor houses have available sons or nephews. All of their house seats far from King's Landing. I've met the young lords of Lannister and Tully on a few occasions. The most recent being at the funeral of my father. The young lord Baratheon is an unknown figure to me.

"Go ahead, who do you have in mind?" my response comes out quietly, as if praying he is going to say it's all a joke.

"House Baratheon, House Tully, House Greyjoy, and House Yronwood have all sent in proposals over the last few weeks. Rhaella thought it would be a good idea for you to possibly do a tour of the kingdom. This way you can stop at each castle and see if you click with any of them." he says while we turn the corner. Yronwood.. I did not expect them.

Turning behind me, I look at Ser Cedric. "Isn't your mother of house Yronwood? Do you possibly know this young lord?"

My sworn shield nods instantly. " I do, my princess. I believe the eligible bachelor his Grace his referencing is my cousin Terryn. He's a nice lad, one year younger than you."

"And his temperament?"

Cedric grimaces slightly and then regains his composure. "He is... full of energy. Last I heard he was training to be a knight. Which wasn't going too well due to his stubborn nature."

Aerys shoots Cedric a pointed look and then purses his lips. "Thank you for your insight, Ser Dayne."

I do not wish to meet with a hot-headed teenage boy. However.. going on a tour means I can visit ruins and other such sites I wouldn't be able to if I stay in the keep. Perhaps it is something I should consider. With conditions of course.

"Brother, I understand you are just trying to help me. Because I love you so, I agree to go on this tour," he grins and opens his mouth to speak. I cut him off since I'm not finished ." However I have some terms."

Smirking, Aerys finally gets a word in."Jaena, you wouldn't be you didn't have a few conditions."

"You must allow me to explore, not merely visit each castle back to back. I wish to visit Summerhall." I add the last sentence on quietly. After the tragedy seven years ago, we haven't spoken of the Targaryen summer residence. Grandsire and a few others were lost as the flames overtook the castle. It was a dark day for our family.

"Summerhall... what is there to see? Piles of rubble and the scorched earth? But if this is what you wish I shall allow it." We finally stop walking, just as we reached the throne room. He must have other duties to attend to.

I hug my brother greatfully, he never says no.

"I must get going as I have duties to attend to. I will get ravens sent to the lords to prepare them for your arrival. I'll let you know when you will leave." With that final note, Aerys walks into the throne room and disappears behind the massive doors.

It's time to start planning everything I'll need for the journey. I'll need to emotionally prepare as well.

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