Extended Family

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By the time we land near the dragonpit, I come to the conclusion that everyone in this time period are idiots. How could they act as the catalyst for the dragons extinction. Flying on dragon back was the single most exhilarating experience of my life. The wind in my hair, the sights below me, it was all mind blowing. The entire ride my hands clutched Jace for dear life but that was purely based on instinct.

We dismount from Vermax and Jace turns to look at me with a wide smile. He takes in my wind blown hair and flushed cheeks.

"So, cousin, how did you enjoy the ride?" He says with amusement in his voice. I just stare back while thinking of my answer.

"It was unlike anything I've ever experienced. Thank you for letting me ride with you." Jace looks around him quickly and leans in.

"I take it you aren't bonded to a dragon back in your time?" The question makes me freeze. I don't think it's wise to tell him all the dragons are dead by the time I am born. A little white lie won't hurt.

"Unfortunately my prince , I am not bonded with any dragon." I turn away, signaling the end of that particular discussion. My eyes glance at the dragonpit around me. It's incredible to see it so intact. It's nearly entirely ruins by the time my era arrives. Knowing there's a few dragons lurking in the underground caves gives me goosebumps. Even the mighty Vhagar lies just outside the capital.

"Come now , children. Let us go to our rooms to freshen up before tonight's meal." Rhaenyra calls out from a few feet away. She had just arrived on Syrax; looking every bit the dragon queen she's known to be.

The castle is bustling with life. It's a familiar sight and brings some sort of comfort to me. I walk behind the princes and their mother, worried I'll attract more gazes than I'm already getting. It must be strange to see an unknown face with the royal family, especially if that face looks like it belongs.

We make our way past the training yard. Normally I'd pay the yard no attention but cheering from below grabs my interest. I look over to see two older teenage boys. One is engaged in a heated spar with a knight while the other stands to the side sipping from his cups. Immediately I recognize the two; prince Aegon "the elder" and prince Aemond. Rhaenyras half brothers and eventual usurpers. To be honest, when reading the histories I had never been much of a fan of the Targaryen-Hightower children. With Helaena being the exception.

The size of our party must have caught their eyes because they seem to be scanning everyone around me. When their eyes reach me, eyebrows quirk in question. Internally I groan and keep walking. I had hoped to avoid their eyes this early into the trip. Somehow, Lucerys notices and offers his arm to me. Grinning, I take the younger boys arm.

"Pay them no mind, cousin. My uncles are but a drunk and a hothead." He whispers which makes me giggle. I spare one last glance in the direction of the yard and see them still looking. Tonight's dinner should be a blast.

Surprisingly, Rhaenyra doesn't take me to greet the king and queen. She told me they would be introduced during tonight's supper. Her maids had delivered a few dress options for me to choose from. There are dresses of every color which brings a smile to my face. I do need to be smart in choosing my attire. House colors are basically a declaration of which "side" you're on. Though I love green, I put the green dresses away. I do the same with the traditional Targaryen black and red. Removing those dresses saddens me. Technically I am a Targaryen princess and I'm usually proud of my house. But for now, I cannot claim my heritage fully.

I decide upon a royal blue and pastel yellow dress. The bodice of my gown is accented in a design of blue ribbon. The skirts are made with soft yellow tulle. It's considerably lighter weight than my usual gowns so walking in it is a breeze. My hair falls in waves as per usual but the front pieces and braided tied in the back. Wanting to look my best, I have the maids add small flowers in with the braids.

My assigned guard arrives at my door and escorts me to the dining hall. It would be an understatement to say I'm not nervous. What kind of person revels in being paraded in front of a group of people. I go over my false connection to the family in my head to make sure I won't slip up. I can't even imagine how it would play out if I choked during my introduction.

The sound of music travels down the hall, acting as a guide to the hall. I breathe in deeply as the doors open and the guards announce my arrival.

"Lady Jaena Maegyr. Daughter of Alios Maegyr and Alysanne of Lys. Granddaughter of princess Saera Targaryen."

'My fake parents names better pass the test' I think to myself. I hope they focus on my alleged grandmother rather than my 'parents'. Rhaenyra rises to meet me as I enter the room. She walks over and clasps my hands.

"Cousin, meet my father, King Viserys."she says while gesturing to the awestruck man. I curtsy deeply.

"It's an honor to meet you, your Grace."

He looks at me with eyes slightly squinted. "Is it true, child? Are you really my aunts granddaughter?"

I mode and try to look as honest as I can. He looks at me some more and then his eyes light up. "I haven't seen my aunt since I was eight years old. But you definitely do bear a resemblance. There's no doubt about." He says and then clasps my hands.

"Welcome home, Lady Jaena." Oh thank the gods he fell for it. He motions for us to sit and I find my chair between Jace and Luke. Luke turns to me and gives a nod of his head. Jace, however, grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. It feels like he's telling me "good job".

The minutes pass by and we're all eating and chatting amongst ourselves. I keep to myself as I eat but can't shake the feeling someone is looking. As I grab my glass of wine, I look around the table. My eyes meet Aegons and he smiles. Oddly, the smile seems sincere. He takes the eye contact to get up from his seat and make his way over.

"Nephew, don't tell me you've been keeping our lovely new cousin all to yourself on Dragonstone." He says with a mocking tone, his eyes never leaving mine. His gaze is a little too hot for my liking. Luckily, Jace glares at Aegon for me.

"Actually uncle, Jaena has only just arrived yesterday," he says while eating a bite of food ", though we became fast friends as soon as we met." This causes Aegon to tilt his head.

"I cannot have that. Jaena, you must take a walk around the garden with me soon."

I choke on my food a little and stare at him. Oh he is coming in hot. He truly is the playboy the stories write about. I throw Jace a smirk and turn to the older prince.

"Oh prince Aegon, I do not think I shall have time for a walk around the garden. Jace promised me more flights on Vermax. Maybe on another visit." I say with the most sugary sweet tone. Aegon looks taken back; I'm guessing no one ever rejects him. He opens his mouth to speak but Jace cuts him off.

"Thats right, dear Jaena. We agreed on taking some short day trips. A promise is a promise." He says while throwing the smirk back at me.

Aegon goes to speak but is once more cut off. This time by his father.

"I have an announcement I must make." The king says while looking around the table. His tone seems more serious than what I'd assume he'd use. I turn to give him my undivided attention. I wonder what he has to say? Maybe something regarding the tourney?

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