The Start of a Journey

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It wasn't often that I got to venture out of King's Landing. After the incident at Summerhall, the Targaryen family tended to stay within the safe confines of the Red Keep or Dragonstone. 

Giddily, I paced around my room and tried to pack everything I might need. I'm still not too excited about the 'try to meet my future husband' part of this trip. So I'm just going to ignore it for now.

"Princess, it's nearly time to depart. Is there anything I can assist you with?" My lady's maid, Gwenna Celtigar, asks from near my wardrobe.

Gwenna is one of my closest confidants. We met when I was 10 and she was 13. Immediately we became fast friends and pledged a pact of eternal sisterhood. We imitated our brothers in that aspect. Gwenna's older brother Darien is the current commander of the kings guard and my brothers best friend.

The Celtigar family has always held close ties with the Targaryens. Our shared Valyrian blood linking us cosmically. When house Targaryen needs assistance, house Celtigar is there at the ready.

"I believe I'm done packing, Gwenna. We can purchase whatever need while on the road. " I respond while throwing a glance over my shoulder. This journey will likely take months, if not a full year . The journey to Storm's End itself will take weeks to complete. Carriages can only travel so fast.

My gaze travels to the open window. In the distance I can see the ruins of the Dragonpit. The great structure once housed the Targaryen dragons. Our sky rarely knew a day without one of the great beasts flying overhead.  As a child I used to dream of how it would feel to take to the skies. How it would feel like bonding with such a large creature. The extinction of the dragons acts as a stain on my family's history. My 6x great grandmother and her younger half-brother fought a bloody war over the succession of the Iron Throne after the death of their father King Viserys I.

The end of the war resulted in Rhaenyra's son Aegon sitting the throne. However, eventually my direct ancestor Viserys II sat the throne. The last dragon died during king Aegon III's reign. Fossilized eggs were left behind, reminders of our past. Many attempts were made to hatch them but none succeeded.

A knock at the door brings my attention back to my room. The door opens and Ser Handel Karstark peeks his head in.

"Your highness, the king has sent word your carriage is ready." He says with a smile. Ser Handel came into my service four years ago and we have been close ever since.

"Thank you, Ser. We shall make our way down."

At the bottom of the great staircase, we are met by my brother and sister. The king and queen. Rhaella opens her arms and I hurry into them. She holds me right to her, laying her cheek on my head.

"I will miss you so much. You must sent ravens regularly. " she mumbles against my hair. She's taken on the motherly role for me ever since mother retested into herself. I'm only four years her junior but it feels like an even greater age gap.

Aerys tsk's, grabbing my arm as he says  "now wife, you can't hog Jaena all to yourself. Give her here." Just like Rhaella, he wraps me in a tight hug before releasing me.

"Take care of yourself. Don't get into trouble and try to have fun. I have a surprise for you when you get back." my brother says with what looks like a tear in his eye.

A lump forms in my throat. I've never been away from home for long. I've never been without my siblings. I wipe a stray tear and nod.

"I promise to return in one piece."

Ser Cedric offers me his hand as the carriage door opens. Climbing inside, I take one last look at home. It'll be a while before I see it again. The journey will be long and arduous but I can't help but feel butterflies. My first adventure is starting now.

•~6 weeks later~ •

'Finally,' I think to myself 'we've made it to Summerhall'. The carriage rolls along the abandoned path. The road to Summerhall once was well maintained but is now overgrown with foliage. As we reach the top of the hill I see the remnants of my former summer home. Involuntarily I take in a deep breath. The air surrounding the castle feels alive with a magical hum. I can't explain it; the air feels.. alive?

"Princess, there's an inn nearby where we will rest for the evening." Ser Handel calls out from ahead of the carriage. Tomorrow I will try to figure out what it is about this place that's making the hair in my arms stand up.

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