30: Endo

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the surrounding area crackled with a new energy, a lightness (y/n) had felt since tsubakino and kanji offered their hand to suzuri.

it wasn't just the relief of a battle won, though the victory over the mob was a sweet one. It was something more profound, a shift in the very atmosphere of the town. the tension, the anger that had hung heavy like a shroud, had begun to dissipate, replaced by a hesitant hope.

(y/n) found herself smiling, giggling to herself.

she was certainly surprised when kanji, the leader of the feared Roppo Ichiza, had made an unexpected offer. he had understood their plight, their desperate fight for survival, a mirror to his own struggle years ago. he offered them jobs, a way to earn a living without resorting to the shadows. the mob, once a menacing force, was now offering a hand, a lifeline.

(y/n) had watched suzuri's men, their faces etched with a mix of disbelief and gratitude. many looked hesitant, wary of the change, the sudden shift from fighting for themselves to working for the very entity that had once threatened them.

yet...the promise of a stable life, a future for their families, was too tantalizing to ignore.

the fight was over, but the scars remained. The town, once and still is vibrant with life, bore the marks of the struggle. but amidst the wreckage, a new sense of community bloomed. the men, once isolated in their desperate struggle, were now finding unity in their shared purpose.

(y/n) felt so happy for suzuri and his men, that they could finally get started anew..

she couldn't help but crack a small grin, a subtle curl of her lips that betrayed the weariness behind her eyes. It was a victorious grin, but also a weary smile too, a reflection of the hope that flickered within her. the fight, the struggle for a better life, for a future free from the suffocating grip of despair, had just begun for suzuri and his men now.

suzuri had even apologized to shizuka, he knows it might be difficult for her to be comfortable around him now after what he tried to do, but he promised to set things straight if anyone bothered her.

shizuka looks down reluctantly, a hand resting on her arm, "...you're right, i am scared. But i know all of you had it tough too and just like me, you were saved by the people of this street. I have no right to say about anyone offering a helping hand or about having you all work here," she clenches her fists, "so, let's both work our butts off and pay back the kindness roppo ichiza gave to us!"

suzuri could see shizuka was shaking. she is accepting him despite being scared of him and his men. she was showing her courage and her strength to turn a new leaf over. It must've been hard for her to utter such words to the same person whom tried to take you away from what you love.

suzuri looks down solemnly yet full of guilt, "...thank you," he then darts his eyes to (y/n), giving the female a faint smile, "and you too. i find myself a fool for not recognizing the person whom saved me from starvation. I feel terrible for trying to take you away from here as well. i hope you forgive me," he bows to her.

(y/n) blinks owlishly, freezing at she sees suzuri still in a bowing position, "ah, it's okay, there's really no need to bow! however," she squints her eyes at him, "if you try this stunt again, i'll make sure you never have kids...ever...again..!" she threatens, making suzuri gulp and nod frantically.

tsubakino and the others chuckle at the (h/c)-ette. just then kanji remembers something, "but hey," he catches suzuri's attention, "from what you said, it sounded like someone employed you guys...to take (y/n) and shizuka...right?"

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