Chapter 22: Gift of the Gods

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Zhihua strolled through the lush gardens of the Forbidden City, the fragrant blossoms and serene atmosphere providing a brief respite from her royal duties. Her sisters, Lihua and Xiaoli, walked behind her, their chatter filled with laughter and warmth. Ruyi and Rhaenyra walked on either side of her all in opulent Yi-ti robes, an array of colours and embroidery

The sun filtered through the canopy of trees, casting dappled shadows on the path as the group made their way deeper into the garden. The gentle breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming flowers laying a calm blanket of perfume over the group as they walked.

Ruyi looked at Zhihua with a gentle smile. "Zhihua, have you and the rest of the royal family decided when you will leave for Westeros?" she inquired.

Zhihua nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Yes, we have. We plan to leave in a few days. It will be a long journey, but I am looking forward to seeing Westeros again and introducing the twins to their heritage."

Ruyi squeezed her hand reassuringly. "You have grown so much, my dear. you have two beautiful boys, I'm just so happy to see you so content."

Zhihua smiled warmly at her second mother figure as she clasped their hands together. "Thank you, Huángmǔ. Your words mean so much to me."

As they continued their walk, Zhihua suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. Her vision blurred, and she reached out instinctively for support. "Zhihua!" Ruyi's voice was filled with alarm as she caught the young queen just before she collapsed.

Rhaenyra's eyes widened with concern, rushing to assist the imperial consort as she tried to keep Zhihua from falling to the ground. "Zhihua, are you alright?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly. but Zhihua's eyes remained closed which only furthered the princess' panic as she looked to Zhihua's sisters in concern at no response. 

Lihua and Xiaoli quickly called out to the attendants in the garden. "Quickly, bring a sedan! We need to get the queen to Consort Xian's palace and fetch the imperial physician immediately!" Xiaoli commanded, her tone urgent.

The attendants sprang into action, bringing the sedan to the garden within moments. Gently, the attendants took Zhihua from Ruyi and Rhaneyra's grasp, lifting Zhihua onto the sedan, Ruyi and Rhaenyra never leaving her side. "Hold on, Zhihua," Ruyi whispered, her hand tightly grasping Zhihua's as the attendants raised the sedan.

As they made their way to Ruyi's palace, the atmosphere was tense, filled with worry for the young queen. The palace grounds seemed to blur past them as they hurriedly carried Zhihua, the distant sounds of the forbidden city barely registering in their minds.

Upon reaching Ruyi's palace, the attendants carefully lowered the sedan, and one of them slowly moved closer to the queen before scooping her up in his arms being guided by Ruyi inside. The imperial physician was already waiting, having been alerted to the situation.  following the women and attendant as they swiftly got her lying in the bed.

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