Chapter 26: Ladies of Silk and Steel

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The tent flaps parted as Zhihua entered, her sisters following closely behind, each one a vision of beauty and poise

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The tent flaps parted as Zhihua entered, her sisters following closely behind, each one a vision of beauty and poise. Their silken robes shimmered in the sunlight, casting a wave of vibrant hues as they gracefully moved into the grand pavilion where the noblewomen of Westeros had gathered. The ladies within the tent paused, momentarily stunned by the entrance of the Jade Queen and her kin.

Zhihua's presence commanded attention. Her sharp yet delicate features, framed by cascading inky black hair pinned up in exotic hairpins of autumn hues, reflected the perfect balance of Yi Ti's exotic beauty. Her sisters, no less striking, moved with equal grace, their expressions calm yet alert as if they were prepared for both polite conversation and a battle of wits.

The murmur of conversation grew quieter as the group of Westerosi ladies, adorned in their finest gowns, shifted slightly in their seats. Alicent, seated among them, cast a polite smile at Zhihua as she entered. Her hand rested protectively on her belly, while her eyes held a trace of tension as the Yi-Tish queen approached.

Zhihua exchanged glances with her sisters before smiling softly at the assembly. "I hope we are not interrupting," she said, her voice like silk, but with an edge that reminded them all of her steel.

Lady Redwyne was the first to speak, her voice light and welcoming. "Not at all, Your Grace. We were merely discussing the arrangements for the feast."

Zhihua and her sisters took their seats, their gowns settling around them like waterfalls of rich fabric. Her eyes scanned the tent, noticing the many stares that followed their every move.

"You must tell us of your homeland," Lady Hightower ventured, her tone dripping with curiosity. "I have always been fascinated by the customs of Yi Ti. It must be so different from our Westeros."

Zhihua's lips curved into a subtle smile. "Indeed, Lady Hightower. "Yi Ti is a land of azure rivers that shimmer beneath an endless sun, where the wind carries the scent of jasmine and incense through ancient streets. Our cities are built of jade and ivory, surrounded by forests so vast and ancient, they seem to whisper the secrets of the world. It is a place where beauty and danger walk hand in hand, where emperors rule from palaces that touch the sky, and the dragons that guard them cast long shadows over fields of silken flowers." Her gaze flickered to Alicent and then to the other ladies, "I'm sure the Queen Alicent could speak of its beauty as she was present with us for my sons' name day celebrations"

A few of the women exchanged glances, their interest piqued. Zhihua's sisters, quiet but observant, listened as the conversation shifted back and forth between the customs of their respective lands, discussing everything from fashion to diplomacy.

Lady Ceira spoke up changing the trail of conversation " Lady Johanna was reported to have been abducted when one of Lord Swann's ships sailed through the Stepstones."

Zhihua simply observed the conversation quietly same as her sisters , all side-eyeing one another.

"what is to happen to Lady Johanna?" one of the ladies questioned from her seat on one of the many couches

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