Chp-1. First Meet

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Author's Pov

Before starting, let me tell you the back story of Y/n.

Y/n is the second in head of the Judicial Police Department.The head of Judicial Police Department is a friend of y/n because she saved his life once.Few people below y/n's authority wanted to harm and finish the BTS members as they didnt like how they were motivating and inspiring others.But y/n didnt allow them,so they decided to kill y/n because she always silently protect the members and is also an army.One day they tampered with y/n's car.Y/n had no idea and she drived the car. Due to some issues and damage with the car, the car fell inside the river as there was a river on the side of the road.Y/n fell into the river but lukily, the head of the judicial police department Mr.J saved her.He told y/n that he saw that they(the people who wanted to kill her) tampered with her car and he followed her to ensure that she was safe. After hearing the story y/n came up with an idea. She told Mr.J that let there be a news that I died, I will disguise as someone else and enter the BTS group and will try to become a member with my friend Jessie to protect them secretly. Mr.J asked y/n whether she was going to tell Jessie who she really is or..y/n said dont worry I will tell her I am also a friend of y/n, she told me that we both should go to BTS group and become a member and secretly protecting them. She will understand said y/n to Mr.J.Mr.J said to y/n that if she needed any help then he will help her.So Mr.J did as y/n told him to do.

Mr.J is already married. So there is no relationship between y/n and Mr.J. They both see eachother as a friend.

Y/n's Pov

(I changed my hairstyle,hair colour to black,my eye colour,etc. I also changed my name to Nancy. I told Jessie to meet me in the park so I am at the park waitng for her.)

Jessie and Y/n meet eachother at the park.

Jessie:- Nice to meet you.hmm...

Y/n:-Its Nancy.Nice to meet you.

Jessie:- I was shocked when you told me what y/n told you.Well have you see or talked to y/n?She has been missing since yesterday!

Y/n:- Me either. Well shall we go to meet BTS manager to talk to him about joining the group?

Jessie:- Yes. The sooner the better.

Y/n's pov

(Jessie and I were walking in one of the street where we suddenly spotted a man try to sucide and a man try to stop him. We both rushed to stop him for commiting sucide. He was about to fall down,I held his hand and stopped him. )

Y/n:- I know you must have gone to lots of pain, so I cant say I can understand you but you should not commit sucide. You should know that you are one unique person in this entire world.

Jessie:- (agreeing what y/n said)Yes. So you should carry on with your life.

When we saw their faces we were shocked.The one who was about to commit sucide was Suga from BTS and the one who was trying to stop him was Jimin from bts!We didnt ask them anything like why Suga was about to commit sucide because I was sure that they had their own reasons.

Jimin:- Thankyou for your help.Please dont tell anyone about this.

Jessie & Y/n:- Dont worry we wont tell anyone.  You can trust us.

Y/n:- hmm...we want to meet your manager. Well its for someother reason. Dont worry we wont tell him anything. We were on are way to meet him then we met you.So can you please take us to your manager we would like to talk to him.....(suddenly I coughed blood out)

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