Chp:- 9. Enemy's Secret Plan!

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 A little recap of last chp:- 

 Jimin's pov

 { I don't know why I said, "I will be always there for you no matter what happens" to Nancy (Y/n ) earlier. Of course, I will help her and be there for her as her oppa but I still can't stop thinking why I said that all of a sudden. Am I having feelings for her?... Anyways putting that aside, I should focus on the important matter. I wonder what Anna wanted to tell us. I hope nothing bad happened. Anyway I should be prepared beforehand to fight if anything comes up...}

 Jimin and Y/n reach Anna's house.... They enter.....

 They both see a boy standing near Anna and Mr.J was busy doing calls...

Anna:- Its good that you both came..

Y/n:- ( worried ) What's the matter? Is everything alright? Are you fine? What urgent matter you wanted to talk to us about?...........


Jimin:- Did anything bad happen? Are you ok? Who is this boy standing next to you?

Anna:- Calm down, both of you and keep your voice a bit low ok?

Jimin:- Sorry.

Y/n:- OK.

Anna:- The boy who is standing next to me is.... ( turning to the boy ) go ahead and introduce yourself to them.

Ned:- Nice to meet you, My name is Ned.

Y/n:- Nice to meet you, I am Nancy.

Jimin:- Nice to meet you, I am Jimin.

Anna:- Ned is the person who I was telling you about the other day.

Y/n:- I see, so he is the one who is secretly spying Tina... Thankyou Ned.

Jimin:- I see, Thankyou. 

Y/n:- So why did you call us?

Jimin:- Yes, and that also during our practice.

Anna:- Sorry for calling you during your practice hours and sorry for all this trouble. We got to know what they are planning to do on the second day of the concert.

Y/n:- Really? How did you guys got to know?

Anna:- About that, Ned heard them talking. He sure has sharp ears, doesn't he?

Y/n:- That's great Ned. You are doing your job better, keep it up!

Ned:-  Thank you, I will!

Jimin:- That's great! So what are they planning?

Anna:- Well........ Ned you tell them.

Ned:- Ok...... well then I will start.......... I was quietly following Tina as usual. Today morning Tina went to meet their leader mr.Huo, I quietly followed them and then recorded their conversation. I will play it now .............. ( plays )

Tina:- Good morning leader.

Mr.Huo:- Good morning, no one was following you right when you were coming in?

Tina:- No need to worry leader, No one followed me.

Mr.Huo:- Did you buy the exact number of bombs I told you buy?

Tina:- Yes leader, exactly four. No need to worry about anything, I destroyed all the evidence.

Mr.Huo:- I see... well done. On the second day of the concert, we will  place three bombs under the chairs where their so called loved armies sit.... ( laughing evilly ) .... And the fourth one you know where..

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