**The Turning Point**

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As Reina and Elara prepared to leave the dimly lit chamber, Dr. Lysander's voice trembled, barely above a whisper. "Wait, Your Highness," he called, hesitation lacing his words. "There is something else, something I've kept hidden for years."

Reina and Elara turned back, their faces etched with curiosity and concern. "What is it, Doctor?" Reina asked, her voice steady.

 "What is it, Doctor?" Reina asked, her voice steady

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P.s Mysterious lady

Dr. Lysander looked at elara hinting to talk alone. Elara understood and walked outside to the carriage. After being alone the doctor sighed deeply, the weight of his secret evident. "One fateful day, when I was struggling to diagnose your mother properly, a mysterious lady visited me. She was cloaked in black clothes, and her face remained hidden in the shadows. She claimed to be a well-wisher of the kingdom and suggested that your mother might have been poisoned with Nightshade's Embrace. Her presence was unnerving, and I suspected her involvement, yet she inquired if I knew of any antidote."

"What did you tell her?" Reina pressed, her eyes narrowing.

"What did you tell her?" Reina pressed, her eyes narrowing

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P.s southern region of wilfred

"I informed her that the antidote was extremely rare, found only in the treacherous southern region of Wilfred. She seemed satisfied with the answer and vanished into the night. I never saw her again," Dr. Lysander confessed, his voice heavy with regret. "I don't know if this information will be of any use, but I didn't want to regret anything longer."

Reina nodded, her mind swirling with new possibilities. " How I wish to have anything to identify that women" The doctor nodded and suddenly remembered that the lady had a expensive golden ring on her hand. Reina sighed and said "Thank you, Doctor. Every piece of information is valuable."

With that, Reina and Elara left the cottage, reina thoughts consumed by this new lead. As their carriage trundled back to the palace, it suddenly lurched to a halt. Before they could react, they were surrounded by menacing bandits.

"Hand over your valuables, and no one gets hurt!" one of the bandits snarled, brandishing a rusty sword.

Reina's heart pounded as she glanced at Elara. They were outnumbered, and escape seemed impossible. But Reina's determination only grew stronger. She had to protect herself and uncover the truth about her mother's death, no matter the danger.

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