The Talk.

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Yashasvi woke up with a jolt from a nightmare where he was all alone, he looked around and realised where he was.

He came out of the room to see his  friend, Ira sitting on the couch reading a book.

"It's 6  why did you not wake me up?" Yashasvi asked rubbing his eyes.

"Sit down in here." She said patting the space in front of her and Yashasvi sat down groggily.

"You came in my house looking like your cat was killed and broke down as soon as you saw me. You clung to me like your life depended on it so obviously I wouldn't wake you up whem you were getting that much needed sleep." Ira said, concern evident in her voice.

"I am fine." Yashasvi said and Ira snorted, "Yeah sure." She said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Her voice softened seeing the exhaustion on his face, "By the way the person's number you have saved as Idiot no. 2 called, I asked her who it was but she didn't reply." Ira said.

Yashasvi's face paled more if at all it was possible. "What did she say?"  He asked cautiously, as if scared of her reply.

"She was asking if you were fine. That's Siara right? Rohit Sharma's sister?" Ira asked and Yashasvi nodded.

"I guessed from her voice plus I know she's one of your closest friends." Ira said a form of explanation.

Yashasvi nodded again and rubbed his face once, "What's happening Yashu?" Ira asked again, worried for him.

"I- I like her Ira and she's Ro bhai's sister and my best friend's girlfriend." Yashasvi said, through gritted teeth.

Ira's widened at the sudden burst of information, "So uh since when are these two dating?" She asked.

"I don't know Ira they didn't even tell me. I don't think they even consider me as their friends otherwise they would have shared it with me no?" Yashasvi asked looking at her expectantly, with pain in his voice.

Ira took his hand in hers and squeezed it, trying to reassure him. "Did you talk to any one of them?" She asked trying to reason her way through the situation.

Yashasvi looked at her abruptly and shook his head, "Why would I talk to them? They have messed up it should be them who should talk to me." He said defiantly.

Ira sighed and handed him his phone, "Look at the number of times they have called, look at the number of messages they have sent you idiot! How will they explain if you don't give them a chance?" She asked and smacked the back of his head for good measure.

"Now go get freshened up and get out of my house." Ira said throwing a pillow at Yashasvi and startling him.

"Ok yes I know you hate me but you could have been more polite." Yashasvi said feigning hurt as he realised what Ira said was true.


"Can the two of you just freaking stop pacing around?" Tilak said sitting on the couch, so done with them.

Siara stopped and looked at Tilak pointedly, "No I can't, he's out with some woman!" she said and Tilak and Dhruv dramatically gasped.

Tilak looked at Dhruv and asked, "What? You didn't know?"

"Obviously not!"

"Then why were you pacing around?"

"Because seeing Sia pace all alone was frustrating."

"Stop both of you!" Siara chided them as she dragged Dhruv to the chairs and made him sit.

"Do you guys understand the graveness of the situation?" She asked pointedly looking at the two of them.

"He's fine no? Then how does he matter if he's with some girl? What's the big deal?" Dhruv asked and Tilak faked a cough.

Siara glared at him and Dhruv raised an eyebrow, finally catching on.

"The thing is Dhruvi, your fake girlfriend here wants to be your real bhabhi." Tilak said dramatically wagging his eyebrows.

Dhruv stood up abruptly and yelled, "I knew it! My predictions could never go wrong!"

But one look from Siara and he sat down immediately. She sighed and sat down too.

"It doesn't matter now does it? He's already out there with some girl after telling us to not talk to him." She said, dejectedly.

"Did you ask who that was?" Tilak asked and Siara shook her head.

"Did you ask where they were?" Dhruv asked and she shook her head again.

"Did you at least ask when will Yashu be back?" Tilak asked and she shook her head again.

"What the hell did you even talk about then?" "What the fuck did you even say then?" Both of them snapped at her and she sniffed.

"Guys don't yell at me. I just got my heart broken by talking to the plausible love of the life of love of my life." She said looking down.

"God stop being dramatic! I live with him here I can assure you there's no love of his life, except you." Dhruv said shaking his head at Siara's theatrics.

"Did he tell you that?" Siara asked, brightening at the prospect of being Yashasvi's love.

Dhruv shook his head and the smile dropped from her face immediately.

Dhruv put a comforting hand over Siara's shoulder and said "Tsk Sia I know Yashu, I can read his body language better than he himself can."

She looked at him and gave a hesitant smile, "Really?" Dhruv smiled and nodded "Really!"

Just then the door opened amd Yashasvi came inside to see Tilak shaking his head, while smiling and Dhruv and Siara sitting cozily.

He grunted and slammed the door shut, jolting the other three out of their conversation.

Siara jumped out of her seat hurriedly and went towards Yashasvi who was giving a death glare to Dhruv.

"Shouldn't have listened to Ira." He muttered angrily, but before he could say anything more Siara ran into his arms.

Yashasvi's eyes widened and he froze, his eyes wandering from a smiling Dhruv and an excited Tilak to the top of Siara's head.

He reluctantly put his hands around Siara and to his horror realised that she was crying.

He forgot all about his anger in that moment and tightened his hold around Siara.

"Sweetheart why are you crying?" He asked, his voice soft.

A/N: I am really sorry for disappearing guys but I was in a bad writer's block and also I was busy in my college admission process.

But here's the next part, do complete the targets of votes and comments <3

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