The captain's sister finds herself drawn towards the young cricketer. As tensions rises they must decide whether to follow their hearts or obey the rules.
Read to find out.
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Liked byYashasviJaiswalRitssajdeh,TilakVerma and 2,56,789 others SiaraSharma: My forever home <3
Tagged: YashasviJaiswal
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YashasviJaiswal: I love you so much 💗 ~~SiaraSharma: I love you the mostttt 💌
RitsSajdeh: The cutest 🤍🧿 ~~SiaraSharma: thank you sm bhabhi <3 ~~AnushkaSharma: how's Ro holding up? ~~RohitSharma: i am going to block them. ~~YashasviJaiswal: bhaiya no!
KLRahul: the efforts we took for you guys aren't at all appreciated? ~~JaspritBumrah: we?? you outed them to Ro bhaiya.
RohikairaAesthetic: Omg they are dating???? Also that picture with sammio ☹️💗
Yasiafans: wtf my ship sailed???? 😭😭💗
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Liked by SiaraSharma, DhruvJurel, SanjanaGanesan and 6,78,234 others YashasviJaiswal: in this world, she's my world 💘
Tagged: SiaraSharma
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SiaraSharma: with you, I find peace 🤍 ~~ YashasviJaiswal: 💗💗
SanjanaGanesan: aren't you guys adorbsss <3 ~~ SiaraSharma: not more than you 😋
IctxVibes: she's just so pretty, how did you get so lucky @ yashu??? ~~ YashasviJaiswal: i have no idea, but hey who's complaining? 😏 ~~ IctxVibes: did yashu just reply to me????? *faints*
DhruvJurel: dumped me as soon as you got a girlfriend 🙄 ~~ SiaraSharma: dw I have seen Ro and Vi bhaiya at home, you'll always be his first 😮💨