Attending sparks university

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Rex's POV

"Wait were gonna what!!?" I said almost spray the juice out of my mouth the same goes to ben and Zak.

"You heard me. If you three want to stay hidden from my father and the other scientist. You just need to act normal like you live like half of your life here. So your going to attend my university." She said a bit grumpy thinking something deeply.

"Well I live half of my life in providence. And I never attend a school." I said in a rejecting tone.

"Well your parents are scientist. No doubt your smart ass as them." She said in a boring tone.

"Well yeah I got A+ in the trigometry test in the last school I attend. But I was just their like 2 weeks only!" I shout but fell down in the chair with a sway of her hand.

"Don't test my patience Rex Salazar..." She said glaring at me. I saw the two look at me with a nervous face.

"Okey fine I will attend. But that will separate us all. Me and Ben will be 3rd year and Zak and you will be still 2nd year." I explained.

"Nonsense. You three are gonna be 3rd year if you all apply and pass the test at the same time. Besides their is no problem using your powers there." Astrella said as she cook more pancakes.

"Mine surely be called shape shifting. Because many dimensions call my powers like that." Ben said fidling his watch.

"Mine if I guess is mind controlling but only works on um...okey their are no cryptids in here. So I'm powerless." Zak sigh.

"Well sparks city also has some weird creatures roaming around. Especially at night. Maybe try using your powers on them." She said.

"But its not night yet." He said.

"No worries. I got my own." She said smiling evily and whistle out loud and the next thing happen a large eagle who looks like a horse fly through the balcony to inside the dining room peeking its head on the entrance.

"Hey boy. Been in the forest with your friends aren't yah?" She said patting the horse like eagle who squawk.

"What in the world is that?" Ben ask recovering from his shock.

"Its a-"

"Egaelia!! I never knew they can be in the different dimension too!" Zak said running towards to the eagle horse and pat its head.

"Wait you know its species?" I ask weirding out.

"Yeah. Egaelia a rare eagle horse that can only be found on the top most of the mountains but sometimes hidden in the grasslands. Gosh I haven't seen them for months." He said riding the eagle horse already.

"Well I think he likes you. Sometimes he will kick out all those he dislikes." Astrella said.

"I don't wanna even try to ride on that." I mutter and Ben agreed.

"So wanna try your powers on him?" She ask.

"I don't know...its been a year since I lost it." Zak said in a worry tone.

"Come on Zak you can do it! I also wanna see how can you control crazy creatures!" Ben said giving Zak some confidence.

"Well here goes nothing." He said as he got down on the eagle horse and point his claw in front of it.

"Come on...come" I whisper waiting for it. Then finally their is a little bit orange light lit from the claw and the eagle's eye glow in orange, it resist at first but eventually calm down.

"ITS WORKING!!!" We all shout. The eagle horse bow down at Zak. Well Zak is still the kur.

"I knew you could do it Zak!...zak?" I stood up and notice the the orange flame in his eyes flicker from orange to red taking turns. Same goes to the eagle's eyes.

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